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Event Reports

Workshop about International Law and Human Rights

Initiated by the Baader Youth Network (BYN; from the Arabic word bada’a “initiate, begin”) a three-day workshop about “Human Rights and International Law” took place recently in Ramallah.

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36 members of the Baader Youth Network from six districts in the West Bank participated in this workshop.

Throughout several presentations, Dr. Yasser Amouri, chair of the Institute of Law of Birzeit University, introduced the concept of Human Rights and the International Conventions to the participants. He outlined the central legal sources as well as the differences between Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. Divided into small groups, the participants engrossed the thoughts that were given by the presentations.

Particular attention was paid to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and its two Additional Protocols, which form the basis for the protection of victims in international armed conflicts. Thereafter, the participants were given the chance to apply their obtained knowledge in group works. They were asked to work on tasks about important aspects of the aforementioned Conventions such as the Rights of Civilians in case of war and the special protection of women, children and property.

The Baader Youth Network is a joint initiative of the International Peace and Cooperation Center (IPCC), Jerusalem, and the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS), Ramallah. The project is funded by the German Foreign Office within the framework of the program “Empowering Democracy”. Its aim is to strengthen the role of youth in the Palestinian society and in the political arena, to support future leaders as well as to cut back gender barriers. In this way, KAS and its partner support the build-up of a pluralistic, democratic and viable civil society in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories.

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