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Covid-19 Challenges in the Mediterranean: What are the Perceptions in the Region?

KAS PolDiMed Survey

As part of our KAS PolDiMed survey conducted by Arab Research & Analytics Associates, we are pleased to share with you an in-depth analysis of public perceptions in the Mediterranean region regarding the Covid-19 challenge. The report shows that in addition to the serious challenge posed by this pandemic, there is an impetus for governments to regain the trust of citizens through successful and transparent management of the crisis.

Vaccine Diplomacy in the Mediterranean: The Contest for Influence

Mediterranean Dialogue Series no. 36

Samer Al-Atrush takes a closer look at the current state of affairs regarding vaccination programs in the Mediterranean. He analyzes the geopolitical competition between global players to take the lead in supplying vaccines to the region and thereby advance their standing in the wider region.

Unpacking the Arab part of Identity, Spring and World

Mediterranean Dialogue Series no. 35

Amro Ali explores the subliminal connotations of the term "Arab" and what collective identity implementations it has - what are the problems with the term? What are alternative options? A worthwhile read 10 years after the uprisings.

Inside Libya - January Edition

Monthly Reports on inner-Libyan Developments

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean (PolDiMed) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with LIBYA DESKâ„¢ is delighted to present our monthly report on Libya. This format examines the most important political, economic and social developments of the previous month, which are of central importance for understanding the situation in Libya. The report is based on reliable Libyan sources and provides first a summary and then a contextualization of developments in the wider Libyan context.

Flickr/Stefan de Fries/ CC BY-ND 2.0

10 Years after the Arab Uprisings: Where does Public Opinion in the Region Stand Today?

Regional Survey

Ten years after the outbreak of the Arab uprisings that gripped much of the Middle East and North Africa in one form or another, the Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS PolDiMed) is delighted to published a survey that captures the opinions, sentiments and feelings of citizens in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.

Political Culture in the Arab World: Assumptions and Complexities

Mediterranean Dialogue Series no. 34

Against the backdrop of the 10th anniversary of the Arab uprisings, Lina Khatib writes about political culture in the Arab world and how it has evolved over the past decade. The author emphasizes a more complex picture that goes beyond a bipolar understanding of political culture and highlights the important achievements that have also taken place outside the traditional political sphere.

Inside Libya - December Edition

Monthly Reports on inner-Libyan Developments

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean (PolDiMed) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with LIBYA DESKâ„¢ is delighted to present our monthly report on Libya. This format examines the most important political, economic and social developments of the previous month, which are of central importance for understanding the situation in Libya. The report is based on reliable Libyan sources and provides first a summary and then a contextualization of developments in the wider Libyan context.

Ziad Fhema / flickr / CC BY 2.0 /

Libya's fateful year

Where does Libya stand one year after the Berlin Libya Conference?

2020 Libya set an important course for achieving (security-relevant) political and economic progress towards a sustainable political solution to the conflict that has been ongoing since 2011. The Berlin Conference on Libya convened by Chancellor Merkel on 19 January 2020 was a significant contribution on that way. Parliamentary and presidential elections are scheduled to take place in the North African country on 24 December 2021. The first weeks of this year will show whether this remains a realistic scenario. If the agreed deadline to withdraw all foreign fighters from Libya by 21 January is not met, Libya will once again start an uncertain and probably turbulent year.

How Resilient are the Healthcare Systems in the Mediterranean?

Cases of Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia

Amidst the disrupting circumstances resulting from the global pandemic COVID-19, this new study, conducted in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA), aims at taking stock of the evolution of the pandemic in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia, investigating the capacity and resilience of their healthcare systems to respond to the health crisis and their level of socio-economic preparedness and policy responses.

Inside Libya - Annual Review 2020

Annual Review on Key Events for Libya in 2020

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean (PolDiMed) in cooperation with LIBYA DESKâ„¢ is pleased to present our Annual Review on Libya for the year 2020. This format looks back at the most important political, economic and social developments that have taken place in Libya over the past 12 months and that have had a decisive impact on the country and wider regional events. The report is based on reliable Libyan sources and provides a summary and contextualisation of developments in the Libyan context.