Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Parliaments in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Between Crisis Management, Civil Rights and Proportionality

Observations from Asia and the Pacific

This publication research project was a joint effort between KAS Head Office in Berlin and the Rule of Law Programme Asia entitled "Parliaments in the pandemic: between crisis, civic rights and proportionality".


Rule of Law Rules

Our new podcast about the rule of law in the age of digitalization

In our new podcast "Rule of Law Rules" we talk to international experts about opportunities and challenges for human rights in the digital age. We take a look at the different regions of the world. The content will focus on data protection issues, legal tech and the use of artificial intelligence.

Guardian of International Law

Interview with Professor Dr. Georg Nolte*

This year, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) celebrates its 75th anniversary, making it the oldest permanent international tribunal in existence. Being the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, the ICJ is competent for a great diversity of questions of international law – from border disputes or issues of use of force to the protection of human rights or disputes regarding cross-border environmental pollution. Since February this year, Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte is a member of the “World Court”. In the interview, he discusses the nature and function of the ICJ and how it has safeguarded its vitality, even in difficult times.

Regulating Data in India & Indonesia


The policy report covers how India and Indonesia have sought to regulate data. Booming digital economies in both countries have created demands to develop legislative frameworks to regulate data – how data is collected, processed, stored, and shared. Rules governing data will significantly influence the development course and growth of India and Indonesia’s digital economies.

Regulating the Cyberspace: Perspectives from Asia

The publication captures the Asian perspectives on issues surrounding digital policy including data governance, regional cooperation in norm building, capacity building initiatives and the development of social media regulation in the region.

KAS-Strathclyde Interview Series on AI, Global Governance and Ethics: Interview with Mr Hochschild-Drummond

Mr Hochschild-Drummond is UN Under-Secretary-General & Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on the Preparations for the Commemoration of the United Nations’ 75th Anniversary. He and his team also work on the UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation.

In this interview, Mr Hochschild-Drummond elaborates on the role of the United Nations and its agencies in AI governance.

KAS-Strathclyde Interview Series on AI, Global Governance and Ethics: Interview with Mr Jeffery Ding

Mr. Ding is a Researcher at the Centre for the Governance of AI and a DPhil (PhD) candidate in International Relations at the University of Oxford.  

In this interview, Mr Ding shares his views on the development of AI Policy in China.

Regulating Artificial Intelligence in South Asia: Projections for the Future

Special Report on Artificial Intelligence


The next digital decade – Policy approaches from Asia

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Digital Asia Hub invite scholars and practitioners of all stages of career and from various disciplines to contribute their lessons to inform policy.


Landmark Decisions of The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany in The Area of Fundamental Rights

The German Basic Law – the Constitution of the Federal. Republic of Germany – has been in force for 70 years now and it is the foundation of democratic statehood in Germany. The Basic Law’s central core is the principle of the rule of law as expressed by the broader German concept of the “Rechtsstaatsprinzip”. The protection of fundamental individual rights is one important cornerstone of this “Rechtsstaatsprinzip”. As guardian of the Basic Law, the Federal Constitutional Court has shaped these rights through interpretation by a large body of case law. Taking note of the growing interest among scholars not only in continental Europe but more so in the Common Law world, an extensive English translation of that jurisprudence is therefore very timely. This volume features 68 cases in regard to the basic rights. A general introduction to the Basic Law and the doctrine of fundamental rights strives to provide some contextual background to enable readers to better understand the comprehensive jurisprudence. In addition, there are specific annotations to each decision or a set of decisions with background information on the individual case. The last chapter suggests additional material in English for further research.

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