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Africa-Europe Migration Forum

Challenges and Opportunities of Migration Flows

Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with Pan-African Parliament, SAIIA, the UNHCR and EU delegation will host a forum on Europe-Africa: Challenges and Opportunities of Migration Flows.

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The programme will focus on the following themes: Migration policies and the relations between Africa and Europe, mixed migration, the "Global Compact on Migration" and managing migration in receiving countries. The conference will also aim to find common solutions to manage intra-regional and intercontinental migration.

RSVP: By Friday,11 May

Email: Telephonic enquiries: 011/2142900

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Pan-African Parliament, Gallagher Estate, 19 Richards Drive, Midrand


  • KAS
    • Pan-African Parliament
      • SAIIA
        • UNHCR
          • European Delegation

            Henning Suhr

            Henning Suhr bild

            Head of the Department International Dialogue Programs

   +49 30 26996-1013
            +27 (11)214 2900-201
            Study and Information Program
            October 08 - 13, 2017
            München - Nürnberg - Zirndorf - Berlin
            read now
            March 22, 2018
            The Mountain Club of South Africa, 97 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town
            read now
            Dr Matlotleng Matlou (UNHCR), Nickolaus Bauer (eNCA), Hon Michael Gahler (MP European Parliament)
            Delegates at the conference
            Belen Calvo-Uyarra (EU Delegation to SA), Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (SAIIA), Alem Makonnen (IOM) and Hon Dr Tapiwa Mashakada (MP from Zimbabwe)
            Dr Matlotleng Matlou and Asmita Parshotam (SAIIA)
            Hon Nadine Morano (MP European Parliament), Ottilia Maunganidze (Institute for Security Studies) and Sihle Mthiyane (Department of Home Affairs)

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            South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)
            Hoher Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR)
            Europäische Union
            Pan-Afrikanisches Parlament