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KAS Workshop Series on Political Pluralism, Democratic Participation and Representation Continues in Mbale and Soroti

Succesful Trainings for CSO Representatives and Local Councillors Held in Eastern Uganda


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As part of the training programme that KAS is implementing with support from the EU, three workshops for local councillors and CSO representatives succesfully took place between 23rd and 30th June in the districts of Mbale and Soroti. Both target groups appreciated the programme as timely and very relevant and displayed a high level of commitment and active participation during the two-day trainings. More trainings are now planned for the Northern, Eastern and central regions of Uganda.

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Lovington Hotel, Mbale; Marcclay Hotel, Soroti


Peter Girke

Peter Girke (2021)

Leiter Personal Ausland +49 30 - 26996 - 3365

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