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Event Reports


South East Europe: Key Challenges on the Road to Sustainable Regional Cooperation

During an event at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Interantional Studies Dr. Erhard Busek, Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, explained the developments in the region since the foundation of the Stability Pact in 1999. He furthermore addressed the issue of the accession perspective of the states to the European Union. (Summary in German)

Chinese Anti-Satellite Weapons

A Threat to U.S. National Security?

On January 11th, 2007 China tested an anti-satellite weapon by shooting down an old weather satellite. Even though China said it adhered to the peaceful use of space, there were protests across the world. At the Heritage Foundation, Republican Senator Jon Kyl talked about China’s approach and its consequences for the United States. (Summary in German)

Pakistan’s Changing Strategic Environment

During an event at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Interantional Studies, Mushahid Hussain explained Pakistan’s changing strategic environment. Hussain is the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Pakistani Senate and the secretary general of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League.(Summary in German)

Civil War in Iraq

Containment Options for the United States

In case President Bush’s new Iraq plan should fail and Iraq cannot be saved, the United States has to prepare for the question how to „manage“ the consequences of an Iraqi civil war. A Washington think tank with close ties to the Democratic Party just released a study proposing a containment policy for a potential civil war in Iraq. But President Bush is also facing criticism from his own party as well as calls for a more reality-based Iraq policy. (Report in German)

State of the Union 2007

President Bush Faces a New Congress

The panel discussion organized by the Brookings Institution analyzed the President’s State of the Union Address, which he had delivered the previous day. Various experts of the Brookings Institution discussed and evaluated the President’s statements. Of most interest were the topics foreign policy, energy, global warming, health care and immigration. (Summary in German)

Burundi at Peace: What does it mean?

The Great Lakes Policy Forum, a coalition of governmental, nongovernmental and multilateral organizations, discussed the current situation in the state of Burundi. The intention was to inform about the developments in the country since the peace agreement was reached. (Summary in German)

Expanding the Eastern Frontier

Bulgaria, Romania and the EU

The event of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars informed the participants about the new member states of the European Union - Bulgaria and Romania – and the implications for both the two countries and the European Union. In their lectures, Margarita Assenova and Dr. Vladimir Tismaneanu concentrated on the situation in their respective countries, while Dr. Esther Brimmer discussed the future development of the European Union as a whole. (Summary in German)

The Rise of the Shiites

Implications for the Middle East

In his lecture, Yitzhak Nakash, Middle East expert at the Brandeis University and author of the book "Reaching for Power: The Shi`a in the Modern Arab World", discussed the changing position of the Shiites in the Middle East. He focused especially on the situation in Iraq, Iran and Lebanon. (Summary in German)

U.S. Policy toward Iraq under Scrutiny

White House under Pressure

In a recently published study, Dr. Flynt Leverett, Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation and former insider of the Bush administration in the NSC, CIA and State Department, promotes a comprehensive engagement of the United States with Iran. The criticism of the “Republican dissident” of the White House stirred a controversy in Washington. (Summary in German)

New Way Forward in Iraq

Immediately following its announcement, President Bush’s new strategy in Iraq encountered wide-ranging rejection and skeptical reactions in his own country. A prestigious Democratic think tank hosted a panel discussion with renowned foreign policy experts to present a first analysis of the new Iraq policy, particularly of its echo among the Democrats in Congress.(Summary of event in German)

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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