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Europäische Volkspartei verabschiedet Resolution zu Wahlen in Honduras

Vom 9. bis 10. Dezember fand in Bonn der satzungsgemäße Kongress der Europäischen Volkspartei 2009 statt. Im Zuge dieser ersten bedeutenden politischen Veranstaltung seit dem großen Erfolg bei den Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament im Juni 2009 wurde die folgende Resolution zu den Wahlen in Honduras verabschiedet.

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Emergency Resolution adopted by the EPP Congress, Bonn, 9-10 December 2009

Election process in Honduras

The European People’s Party,

  • Having regard to the Conclusions of the Council of the European Union of 15 June 2009 on the situation in Honduras,
  • Having regard to the Declaration of Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner of 22 September 2009,
  • Having regard to the positions held by the members of the EPP intervening in the discussions of the European Parliament on Honduras, on 15 July and 11 November 2009,
  • Having regard to the Statement of the President of the Council of 3 December 2009 on the situation in Honduras following the elections,
  • Having regard to the report issued by the delegation of the EPP group in the EP which took part as official observer at the presidential, legislative and local elections held in Honduras last 29 of November,
  • Having regard to the reports and several statements made by different international observation missions which monitored these elections,
  • Having regard to the report produced by the technical "unofficial mission" sent by the European Commission,

Whereas the Hondurans citizens have given an example of democratic courage and civic maturity during the electoral day of 29 of November,

Whereas the high turnout of participation of the Honduras population and the remarkable system of guarantees established by the legislation implemented by the Highest Electoral Court of this Central American country,

Whereas the elections took place in a normal and calm environment without significant incidents, and it was a transparent and competitive election (the five candidates to the Presidency cover the ideological spectrum of pluralistic democracies),

Whereas all the candidates taking part in the elections have recognised the results and all of them have also congratulated the winner, the National Party,

Whereas with the completion of the electoral process, many possibilities are open in terms of putting an end to the institutional crisis that has gripped the country and for the recovery of democratic normality, in accordance with the Constitution of Honduras of 1982,

Whereas extending the current wariness in respect of the institutions of Honduras by international players, particularly the European Union, would not only cause greater suffering to a country in which 70% of the population lives in a state of poverty, but it could surely be used by countries in the surroundings, with little or no respect for democracy and human rights, to try to further destabilise a region which has not yet cured the scars of ideological conflicts past and present,

  1. Congratulates the people of Honduras because of its example of civil maturity and its courageous democratic behaviour, expressed under very difficult and vulnerable political circumstances during November, 29,
  2. Congratulates Mr. Porfirio Lobo and the National Party of Honduras, for this clear victory as well as the rest of his political contenders and judges. Furthermore we congratulate him for his appeal made on his first public statement promoting national unity and reconciliation as the best step towards the achievement of the country's reunification and its immediate return to the regional and international institutions,
  3. Recognises that high turnout, the peaceful development, transparency and high level of guarantees established by the electoral procedure pave the way for the democratic governance of the country and its full return to the regional and international institutions,
  4. Express the desire that all the EU institutions and Member States which have not yet recognized the results of these elections to do so,
  5. Calls upon the EU institutions to immediately reassume the ongoing negotiations of the EU - Central America association agreement, including the full incorporation of Republic of Honduras and asks for a prompt conclusion of the final round of negotiations,
  6. Calls upon the institutions of the EU and the Member States to resume the co-operation and assistance programs dedicated to Honduras, reinforcing them to make up for the standstill, to the benefit of the people of Honduras.

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