Agrégateur de contenus

Education and Healthcare (TOR)

Submission no later than February 24, 2023.

Agrégateur de contenus


Till the 2020’s both the Lebanese healthcare and educational systems have been a major driver and the go to sector in Lebanon. Yet, during the compound crisis we are facing most of the private sector capabilities have been depleted due to the brain drain as well as the economic crisis and devaluation / fluctuation of the currency. As for the public sector, public funding became a scarce and both access to education and health for the most vulnerable of the population became almost inaccessible.

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation Lebanon is looking to commission a Lebanese English speaking magazine / media outlet to draft a comprehensive report on the current situation of the health and educational system in the country. The scope of the report should be around 15000-20000 words.

The Report should include a comprehensive research and analysis of the above mentioned subject with the aim of impacting policies, laws and the overall population in Lebanon.

As for the methodology, a desk review should be conducted as well as interviews and expert comments.

The selected entity must have a proven track record of at least 10 years of in-depth journalistic reporting in English language and policy-oriented reporting. The report should be ready for publication, complete with editing and design, by the end of March 2023.

The selected entity should also play an active role in the dissemination of the report through its website, social media channels, and network.

What should your proposal include?

  1. Guiding questions and expected findings, methodology and proposed authors
  2. Publication schedule
  3. The proposed communication strategy targeting a wide audience and decision-makers
  4. The overall requested budget


Additional required supporting documents to be attached to the email:

  1. Your profiles i.e. Profile of the media outlet/magazine
  2. Reference publications and reports


The award will be based on the proposal, the ability of the entity to produce high-quality reports, track record, ability to effectively execute the communication strategy, as well as the price.

Send the proposal with all the documentation/information by email to (submissions deadline is February 24, 2023 at 12:00pm Beirut time)

Agrégateur de contenus


Nour Alwan


Coordinateur de projet +961 (0)1 388 095/6

Agrégateur de contenus