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Agrégateur de contenus

Territorial Fragmentation, Violence, and Local Governance in Syria’s Daraa Governorate

Understanding the complex dynamics and landscape of post-war Daraa in southern Syria

This study explores the factors driving violence and instability in Daraa, highlighting challenges in local governance and community resilience amidst ongoing conflict and economic hardship.

Special Report: Refugees

Migration and Refugees in Lebanon and beyond

A Special Report published by Executive Magazine in collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Lebanon Office

Navigating the Impact of Conflict on Syria’s Ethnic, Religious and Tribal Communities

How has the Syrian war impacted the country’s ethnic, religious and tribal communities and their efforts towards peace formation?

This report answers this question based on five critical case studies while highlighting constraints and opportunities towards localised solutions for peace formation in support of viable policy recommendations.

Policy Brief - Navigating the Impact of Conflict on Syria’s Ethnic, Religious & Tribal Communities

Policy recommendations towards localised solutions and peace formation in Syria

This policy brief stems from a larger report that explores ethnic, religious and tribal communities’ efforts towards peace formation in Syria, outlining the viable policy options for international actors that arise from it.

IMAGO / Pond5 Images

Europäische Hilfe für den krisengebeutelten Libanon

Die libanesische und internationale Kritik an dem neuen Hilfspaket der EU schießt über das Ziel hinaus

Mit einem neuen Hilfspaket für den Libanon entwickelt die EU ihr bisheriges Engagement im Zedernstaat weiter. Neben Unterstützung für die Handhabe sozialer Herausforderungen (Gesundheit, Bildung etc.) will die EU verstärkt auch die Bereiche Sicherheit und Migrationsmanagement aufgreifen. Da das Abkommen in Europa und dem Libanon pauschal als eine Art „Flüchtlingsdeal“ dargestellt wurde, stieß das Hilfspaket in der aufgeheizten innenpolitischen Stimmung des Libanons auf Ablehnung. Das Land sieht sich mit der Präsenz von 1,5 Mio. syrischen Flüchtlingen selbst überfordert. Es kommt jetzt auf die konkrete Ausgestaltung der Zusammenarbeit an.

Official and Black Market Exchange Rates in Syria, by Karam Shaar

An online interactive tool for tracking exchange rates in Syria

Appropriate research and policy tools are required to track Syria’s monetary policy and assess the diversion of aid by the Assad regime through the imposition of unfair exchange rates on donors through the UN.

Business Responsibility Towards the Environment and Human Rights in Syria

A study conducted by The Syrian Legal Development Programme in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office.

This study dives deep into the overlooked role of businesses, dissecting their environmental footprint and shedding light on the urgent need for sustainable practices.

Socioeconomic and Political Landscape of Lebanon

National Public Survey | November 2023

By gathering data from a representative sample of Lebanese citizens, encompassing different regions, ages, genders, educational levels, and socioeconomic backgrounds, this study offers a panoramic view of the socioeconomic situation in Lebanon.

Lebanon's Public Financial Mismanagement

Twin Deficits, Broken Budgets, Shattered Trust: Evaluating Lebanon's Public Financial Management Landscape

Modern PFM frameworks are intended to design a regulatory and institutional framework for governments to achieve a budgetary cycle that meets policy-oriented fiscal objectives and enhances transparency and accountability in the management of public finances.

Dangerous Illusory Giant

An article in the Syria dossier of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in zenith magazine

After 12 years of civil war Bashar Al-Assad still holds on to power. Has Syria's president emerged victorious from the conflict?