Aggregatore Risorse

Scholarship Programme of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Italy and Malta

Apply for a scholarship!

Aggregatore Risorse

The scholarships of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation adress Bachelor and Master students in Malta. There are two kind of scholarships: one 6-months thesis scholarship  ​​​​​​and one 12-months-studies-scholarship.

Eligible to apply are all those who study politics, social science, law, economy, theology or media theory at one of the Maltese universities

Scholarships may be awarded with retrospective effect for 2021.

Please send your application documents until december 31st 2021 to Patricia Liberatore,

In following further detailed information about the requirements for the scholarship programmes.


Detailed information about the scholarship programme

1. About Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a German political foundation headquartered in Berlin. The foundation's aim is to consolidate and promote peace, freedom and prosperity in Germany, Europe and worldwide. KAS is committed to a liberal, representative democracy, the rule of law, the social market economy and the European unification.

With a Christian-democratic understanding of politics and society as both its point of reference and orientation, the initiatives of KAS serve to develop and strengthen the Christian-democratic movement. The foundation is associated with the German political party CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany), but works independently and autonomously and is firmly committed to the political legacy of the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer.

Its more than 100 offices abroad contribute to the foundation's target to create an international order of peace and justice and to promote ethical responsibility, sustainability and the preservation of creation in view of the complex changes proceeding worldwide.

In Italy, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung opened its office in 1977 and is responsible for the relations with Italy, Malta and the Holy See. The Italian office organises events, dialogue programmes and provides analyses to promote the bilateral exchange with Germany within the European framework.

2. Objective of the Scholarship

The functionality of a society depends on the value orientation, productivity and responsibility of its leaders. Our vision of society evolves from a concept of order, which is obliged to common welfare and reconciles freedom with justice and individual performance with a solidarity-based readiness to help others.

These values and principles provide the basis for KAS' obligation to contribute to the support of future leaders at home and abroad by motivating, qualifying and activating the young generations for democracy and European unification.

By providing ideational support and awarding scholarships, KAS aims at preparing young people with above-average talents for their future tasks in state and society, with a strong focus on science and economy, politics and administration, media and culture and international organisations.

3. Scholarships awarded by KAS Italy

The scholarships awarded by KAS Italy are intended for all those who study politics, social science, law, economy, theology or media theory at one of the Maltese universities. There are two different scholarships available: 

a) 6-months thesis scholarship 

Type of scholarship: To be eligible for this type of scholarship, the content of the final thesis is required to have a relation with the following main topics of KAS Italy:

- European unification / German-Maltese dialogue

- Geopolitics and global topics

- Social policy / church / religion / Christian democracy

or has a direct project relation with KAS Italy.

Who can apply:

- Undergraduate bachelor degree students

- One-year postgraduate master degree students

- Two-year postgraduate master degree students

who are enrolled at a public or private Maltese university.

Application period: The application can be submitted any time as soon as the subject of the final thesis has been specified, the work on the final thesis has already begun or has been completed and if the period for submitting the thesis has expired no longer than three months before the application is made. Scholarships may be awarded with retrospective effect for 2021.


b) 12-months studies scholarship

Type of scholarship: The scholarship, which is limited to 12 months over the period of one academic year, not only requires students to carry out their studies in an orderly way, to maintain a high academic performance and to communicate regularly about their progress but also to participate actively in the online activities of KAS Italy whenever possible.

Who can apply:

- Undergraduate bachelor degree students

- One-year postgraduate master degree students

- Two-year postgraduate master degree students

who are enrolled at a public or private Maltese university.

Application period: The application can be submitted any time. The scholarship usually starts at the beginning of the relevant semester. Scholarships may be awarded with retrospective effect for 2021.



4. Eligibility criteria for both types of scholarship

Talented students will be selected according to the following requirements and the dimensions resulting thereof:


Subject related qualification

General education / open-mindedness and interests / creativity

Foreign language skills (German or English or French)


Supportive of the values of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung


Ability to think independently


Voluntary work


Motivation / social skills

5. Application

If you are interested in a 6-months thesis scholarship (a) please send us following documents:

Detailed current CV

Motivation letter in which the candidate explains how the thesis addresses one of the main topics of KAS Italy or is a project directly related with KAS Italy.

One letter of recommendation (report of the academic supervisor)

Certified copies of certificates. The certification of transcripts and copies can be provided by the head of the foreign office ("true copy").

Admission notice and/or confirmation of enrolment of the relevant university

Structure and introduction of the final thesis as it is planned or the work on which has already started, or the final thesis as completed including a statement about the start date of the 6-months scholarship.


If you are interested in a 12-months studies scholarship (b) please send us following documents:

-             Detailed current CV

-             One letter of recommendation of the academic supervisor

-             Certified copies of certificates. The certification of transcripts and copies can be provided by the head of the foreign office ("true copy").

-             Admission notice and/or confirmation of enrolment of the relevant university


Please submit these documents via Email to Patricia Liberatore,, by mentioning the type of scholarship in the subject.

6. Selection procedure

The selection procedure will be organised by the office of KAS in Italy. Applicants meeting the requirements will be directly contacted by the Italian KAS office.

The applicant has no legal entitlement to claim the awarding of the scholarship or the extension of the funding period.

7. Acceptance of the scholarship

The scholarship begins once the candidate has received a positive answer from the Italian KAS office (scholarship approval) stating the duration of the scholarship, and has confirmed the scholarship in writing by completing and signing the acceptance declaration (13).

8. Obligations of scholarship awardees

By accepting the scholarship, the scholarship awardees are also obliged:

1. to maintain regular contact with KAS Italy and, where possible, participate actively in KAS events, to which the awardee was invited;

2. to use the scholarship for timely and focussed studies;

3. to regularly provide KAS Italy with evidence regarding the studies and the academic performance;

4. not to change the subject of study / study course / place of study or the subject of the thesis without prior consultation with KAS;

5. to attend the online meetings of KAS scholarship awardees in Italy and to provide timely excuse including the reasons in case they cannot attend;

6. in case of the 12-months studies scholarship, to provide a short interim report after four and eight months and, after 12 months, a final report regarding their academic performance and examination results;

7. in case of the 6-months scholarship, to provide an interim report after three months and, after 6 months, a final report including the thesis.

9. End of scholarship

Together with the acceptance declaration, the awardee also agrees to the duration of the scholarship as determined by the Italian KAS office. At the end of this funding period, the scholarship shall also end with the effect that any claim for further payment becomes void.

10. KAS alumni / alumni network

It is the objective of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung to maintain and strengthen the contact with all alumni of its scholarship programme. Upon termination of the scholarship, all awardees will be admitted to the global KAS alumni network (they will be assigned to the Italian alumni group). The central point of contact is KAS Italy.

It is of major importance that all awardees maintain contact and inform the Italian KAS office about their contact data (e-mail, phone etc.) and their subsequent academic or professional careers.

KAS Italy will organise annual meetings of ex-awardees, which mainly serve to maintain the contact between KAS and previous scholarship awardees.

11. Termination, withdrawal or repayment of the scholarship

The scholarship may be terminated, including without limitation, if

- the requirements for awarding the scholarship have become inapplicable with effect for the past,

- the awardee has made false statements or omitted any facts.

Upon notification of such termination, all payments will cease. If the awardee has made false statements, all payments starting from the beginning of the scholarship have to be returned. In all other cases, the payments have to be returned from the moment when the reason for termination occurred.

In case of an intellectual infringement (plagiarism), all payments made from the beginning of the scholarship may be also reclaimed after the end of the scholarship.


12. Scholarship payments

The scholarships payments reflect the local conditions and costs of living. They are meant to give students a certain degree of financial freedom so they can use all their efforts to continue their academic career and work.

Please notice that the scholarship is of a general nature (lump sum) and does not relate to any particular costs (e.g. costs of transport, enrolment fees etc.).


a) 6-months thesis scholarship 

- Undergraduate bachelor degree students – 400 EUR per month

- One-year postgraduate master degree students – 500 EUR per month

- Two-year postgraduate master degree students – 600 EUR per month


b) 12-months studies scholarship

- One-year postgraduate master degree students – 500 EUR per month

- Two-year postgraduate master degree students – 600 EUR per month

The scholarship payments will be made by bank transfer. The first payment will be made within 30 days after the acceptance declaration and will be continued on a monthly basis until the end of the 6 or 12-months scholarship duration.

In order to secure the prompt monthly payment, an interim report has to be submitted (after the third month in case of the 6-months scholarship, after the third, sixth and ninth month in case of the 12-months scholarship). The last monthly payment will be made upon submitting a short final report (after the sixth month in case of the 6-months scholarship and after the twelfth month in case of the 12-months scholarship).

Full or partial scholarships of other German institutions have to be reported. All awardees are obliged to inform KAS about any additional income without being requested to do so.



13. Acceptance declaration for a scholarship awarded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Italy

I have received the scholarship approval and the scholarship award regulations of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and accept the scholarship in accordance with the conditions set out above.

I hereby confirm that I have been informed about my obligations. My signature fully confirms the above. This applies to, including without limitation, submitting regular reports about the progress of my studies, my attendance at KAS events and the obligation to keep KAS updated about my academic or professional career.

Personal data:

First name:

Last name:

Subject of study:

Date and place of birth:


Place of study and name of university:

E-mail address:





Bank details:

My bank details for transferring the scholarship payments:

Name of the bank:







Auslandsbüro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Italien

Dr. Nino Galetti, Director

Corso del Rinascimento, 52

00186 Rome

Aggregatore Risorse


Patricia Liberatore

Patricia Liberatore bild

Coordinatrice di progetto +39 06 6880-9281 +39 06 6880-6359

Aggregatore Risorse