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Event Reports

Enhancing capacities of women in leadership

In July and August 2019, KAS held training workshops for nominated women MCAs in Kajiado, Mombasa and Kisumu respectively. The training covered selected women MCAs from the following counties; Nairobi, Kiambu, Kajiado, Machakos, Murang’a, Makueni Laikipia, Mombasa, Kilifi, Kwale, Tana-River, Lamu and Taita-Taveta, Kisumu, Vihiga, Homabay, Siaya, Elgeyo Marakwet and Baringo. KAS has been engaging with partners to push for participation of women in leadership and decision making processes. There still continues to be a need for the women in leadership positions with a special target group of nominated women members of county assemblies to be empowered more in order to overcome the challenges they are often faced with and clearly get to understand their roles. This is from the realization that women are still left behind in matters leadership of the Country compared to their male counterparts.

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Jeanette Nyanjom

Jeanette Nyanjom

Project Assistant +254 20 2610021/2 +254 20 2610023


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