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Asia's Media Innovators Vol 2.0 - Chapter Seven

Cambodia – a land of opportunity

When it comes to hopping onto the information highway, Cambodia is working hard to catch up to other ASEAN countries. In Cambodia, the percentage of Internet users in the past 10 years increased by 1,200 per cent to some 78,000 people or 0.5 per cent of the population.

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September 2010 - Chapter Seven:

Cambodia – a land of opportunity

>>> PDF Download: Cambodia – a land of opportunity [350 KB]

Social and political events in the last half of the 20th century made early ventures into the information technology (IT) sector impossible. With so many pressing needs and limited funds, leaders in the early 1990s had to make some hard choices when it came to telecomm-unications. In 1992 the country had “only a little over 4,000 fixed lines” about 80 per cent of them in Phnom Penh (ITU Toolkit). "From a perspective of a Cambodian, Cambodia's democracy is still young with restricted freedom of expression and media control; I do feel that blog is one of the most exciting and innovative technological tools to exercise the right to expression as well as other fundamental rights. We can share news, express our opinions, communicate with other fellow bloggers for any campaign purposes through blog. It's a great tool in use even in a situation that other means of communications are restricted,” said Ms. Sopheap Chak, blogger and human rights activist…

>>> PDF Download: Cambodia – a land of opportunity [350 KB]

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