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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Media Policy, Freedom of the Press and of Expression

Media Policy, Freedom of the Press and of Expression

Democratic states and free, independent media are mutually dependent


If it were up to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment in giving preference to the latter.

Thomas Jefferson, State Theorist and third President of the USA

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At a glance

  • An indicator for the state of a democracy is its media. Its diversity and nature determine the quality of the democratic public sphere and the population’s level of information.
  • Political opinions are now predominantly formed on the internet. That harbours risks given that change is taking place outside the journalistic standards of professionalism and ethics.
  • A shift to online media is leading to an increase in diversity of opinions, however, more fake news are circulating and hate speech is progressively brutalising our culture of debate.
  • High-quality and reliable journalism will remain essential for democracies. We are therefore looking at how professional and accepted journalism could look in the future.
  • As part of our global support for democracy, we also turn our focus to the media landscape abroad; with our three media programmes promoting a free and independent media in our project countries.



1. Democracy needs media diversity and an informed society

2. Political opinions are increasingly being formed on the internet

3. Digitally induced rise in diversity of opinion has also negative sides

4. Reliable journalism will remain essential for democracies

5. Worldwide, we promote quality journalism, media freedom and press

6. Our offers and projects on the topic

7. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Democracy needs media diversity and an informed society

The media’s condition and diversity are crucial for the quality of the democratic public sphere, since citizens’ level of information and public opinion are largely determined by the media. That is why it is all the more important to preserve freedom of the press and transparency of media structures, to enable journalists to enjoy fair and safe working conditions, to counter propaganda and corruption within the media, and to safeguard media diversity, pluralism of opinions and the free formation of opinion. That is why we are committed to this in Germany and throughout the world.


Political opinions are increasingly being formed on the internet

What was predicted a few years ago, has now already become a fact: Political opinions are increasingly being formed on the internet. That is why we have to ask ourselves: Have the traditional leading media lost their sovereignty of interpretation? It is now prevailing opinion that social media on the major platforms are a kind of gatekeeper and have largely taken over parts of the function of traditional media such as radio or the press.

Unfortunately, this transformation took place outside the standards of professionalism and ethics of journalism, since algorithms are increasingly determining the selection and placement of topics. This results in a danger that social relevance no longer determines whether an article is worthy for publication, but rather the greatest possible attention that can be achieved.


Digitally induced rise in diversity of opinion has also negative sides

Likewise, the boundaries between media users and media makers as well as between fact and opinion are becoming blurred. Each individual can send their message to the digital community and bypass mass media. In fact, this is a real plus for diversity of opinion and freedom of opinion...but at the same time, uncertainty about fake news and hate speech grows and the culture of debate is derailing more and more often.


Reliable journalism will remain essential for democracies

Reliable sources of information which you can trust and reporting on which you can base your opinion, are essential for democracy. It is therefore important to discuss how “journalism of the future” should look, be consumed and disseminated. The future viability and acceptance of public broadcasting plays an existential role here, too. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung accompanies these debates with expert discussions, studies and events.


Worldwide, we promote quality journalism, media freedom and press

In large parts of the world, freedom of the press and quality journalism are not a foregone conclusion. Rather, freedom of the media and media professionals need to be increasingly actively defended, across the globe and unfortunately also in Europe. The undermining of press freedom is both a symptom of and a contribution to the collapse of other democratic institutions and principles.

Against this backdrop, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung places special emphasis on the promotion of free and independent media as a basic prerequisite for citizens’ opinion formation in a democratic polity within the framework its worldwide democracy-building. In this context, it is particularly worth mentioning the work of our three media programmes that are committed to free and independent media in our project countries in various regions worldwide.

Our offers and projects on the topic

International offices and programmes

Through our three media programmes in Asia (based in Singapore), Sub-Saharan Africa (based in Johannesburg) and South-east Europe (based in Sofia), we advocate for the strengthening of independent and diverse media landscapes.

International Media Programme


The goal of our media programme is to support media in developing professional, journalistic standards, to assist young journalists on their professional path in the best possible way, and to advocate and promote the importance of media as an integral part of democratic and free societies.


Learn more about the Media Programme


Didactic-, scholarship- and career-orientated offers

For students as well as pupils, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung also makes specific scholarship and career-related offers with the Scholarship Programme for Young Journalists and the KAS Media Workshop. The DigitalAkademie’s pupils and teacher academies, however, impart important media skills to entire school classes including teachers, e.g., how to deal with the media content on the internet.

Journalism Scholarship


The Scholarship Programme for Young Journalists (JONA) offers you practical, collaborative and multimedia training. Whether that be shooting videos, writing reports or producing podcasts, conducting interviews or creating data graphics – our journalism training helps you learn the journalistic craft while also conveying important skills on ethical or legal issues. In addition to non-material support, you will also receive financial support during the three-year training, which takes place alongside studies during the semester breaks.


Learn more about the Journalism Scholarship

KAS Media Workshop for Pupils


Innovative, motivated and with their finger on the pulse: Tomorrow's media producers practice at our seminars!

Are you always interested in new things and don't want to spend your later working days just sitting at your desk? You’re a strong communicator and like talking to other people? Do you feel right at home digitally and is social media your thing? If you’re between 16 and 19 years old, then take a look at what our KAS Media Workshop has to offer!

We offer seminars where you learn about modern journalism that also moves outside classic channels. You want to pursue good journalism with the help of apps, smartphones or tablets? No problem: Our young, successful journalists show you how that can be done independently and without expensive recording equipment.


Learn more about what the KAS Media Workshop has to offer



With the offers of our DigitalAkademie, we want to impart pupils and teachers with skills in how to deal with digital media. The objective is to keep an overview of the digital world – no easy task. The content of our Pupil and Teacher Academies is correspondingly extensive. This ranges from digital self-organisation, foundational knowledge on rights and obligations online, extremism prevention, recognising and dealing with fake news, and the use of digital learning and teaching methods, right through to the digital orientation of the entire school.


Learn more about services offered by the DigitalAkademie


Selected projects

The right to freedom of the press and of expression is an essential part of democracies and their societies. Unfortunately, this right has been continuously curtailed for years in many regions of the world, such as in Latin America. For this reason, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has created an information page on which we would like to give you an overview of the situation and set-backs in freedom of the press in Latin America.

Freedom of Expression and Press in Latin America


On our project page on the “freedom of expression and press in Latin America”, you will find comprehensive information on the current situation of freedom of the press and opinion in the states of Latin America. A focus is placed on the topics of “disinformation, “journalism under pressure”, as well as “shrinking spaces”.


Learn more about freedom of expression and press in Latin America



Since 1980, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been awarding the German Local Journalism Prize, and has long since become established as the most important media prize in Germany.

German Local Journalist Prize


By awarding the German Local Journalist Prize, we nurture young journalists in special projects. The annual award honours newspapers and editorial offices that implement concepts in touch with the people, address difficult issues or act as an advocate for readers. In more than 40 years of its existence, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has awarded more than 200 local editorial offices or local editors with the prize.


Learn more about the German Local Journalist Prize

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Laura Philipps

Laura Philipps

International media programmes +49 30 26996-3249
Facts and Findings
February 24, 2021
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Event Reports
June 22, 2021
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Single title
KAS/yellow too
April 7, 2020
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

„21-year-old Robot living in LA”

Die schöne neue Welt der KI-Influencer

Ciclo Seguridad - YouTube China Latam OK

Estudio analiza estrategias de los medios chinos en Latinoamérica a través de YouTube

La investigadora del CAD, Sascha Hannig, presentó el estudio China Media Group en Español: Análisis de la presencia de los medios estatales chinos en YouTube en Español.

Policy Paper : Algerien im Kontext internationaler Organisationen

Deep Fake- und Wahrheitsmaschine

Warum KI die Medienwirklichkeit auch objektiver gestalten könnte

Palais des Nations Geneva II

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from October to December 2023

75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Map of the Month 12/2023

Zeiger gerichtet auf Adobe Stock / Robert Kneschke

Renewal of political parties - Digitalisation and political parties

On hybridisation, dialogue orientation and cultural and structural change: How can established parties adapt to the new realities of digitalisation?

Isra 10

Isra News Articles of October 2023

Read Thai investigative reporting by Isra News Agency published in October 2023

Isra 09. September 2023

ISRA News Articles of September 2023

What's happened in Thailand on the spheres of good governance and rule of law, public policies, and social and environmental issues.

الصحافة الإلكترونية في الجزائر KAS الجزائر

Enquête sur la presse électronique en Algérie

Réalisée par l’Association des Journalistes du Constantinois en partenariat avec Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Algérie

PSR Poll No. 89 Press Release 13 September 2023 Photo

Expert discussion: KAS-PSR discuss findings of Public Opinion Poll No. 89

30 years after Oslo Agreement, conditions worse than before

Isra 08. August 2023

ISRA News Articles of August 2023

Read News Articles of August 2023 from ISRA News Agency


Nguyens Kacheln

Wie Influencer zu Autoritäten werden

platzhalter04_rotNGGN DPM

Krieg als Realityshow

Die manipulative „Autorität“ der Lüge in russischen Staatsmedien

Multilateraler Dialog Genf, Genfer Grosswetterlage UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from end-April to mid-July 2023

Urgent debate on Quran burning and key votes at 53rd UN Human Rights Council

Map of the Month 07/2023

DW Interview 06-2023

Hendrik Sittig: I had a very positive experience in Bulgaria

Der bulgarische Schriftsteller Georgi Gospodinov

Georgi Gospodinov:

Facts are sacred – that was once

(v. l. n. r.) Hendrik Sittig, Leiter des KAS-Medienprogramms Südosteuropa und die Recherche-Stipendiatinnen Irina Peter und Dr. Birgit Wetzel

Meeting of the research fellows of KAS Media Programme South East Europe in Sofia

Hendrik Sittig ARD Tagesschau, MPKAS

"The Russian propaganda is destructive. The goal is the destruction of the liberal societies."

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Events on the topic



Freiburg im Breisgau

Populismus und Manipulationen kontern!

Umgang mit Populismus im schulischen Kontext




Stammtischparolen im Unterricht?

Populismus in der Schule kontern! Workshop für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, Referendarinnen und Referendare

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

A visit to the Reichstag, Berlin

KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award Winners Visit Germany

African journalists meet with counterparts in Berlin & Leipzig

IMG_9747 Closing award to the 2024 Africa Check Fellows (1)

Africa Check Fellowship Programme 2024 in Dakar, Senegal

In August KAS Media Africa supported the Fifth Africa Check Fellows Programme for Francophone Journalists


Adenauer Media Lecture in Nairobi

Television is dead, long live television! Multimedia developments in television.

DSC_0919 (1)

International Conference of the African Journalism Education Network

Sustainable Journalism Education


Global Media Forum 2024

KAS Media Africa once again took part in the largest international media conference in Germany


2024 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival

A gathering of leading journalists, editors and innovators from around the world

Auftakt des Panels Christiane Stahr/KAS

Das Ukraine-Bild in den Medien – Öffentliches Interesse, Kommunikationsstrategien und Desinformation

Veranstaltungsbericht zum „Café Kyiv“-Panel

KAS Media Local Journalism Conference

Local Journalism Conference 2024

New Challenges for Local Journalism

Local Journalism Award 2024


© Jana Reimann-Grohs/KAS Jana Reimann-Grohs/KAS

Politische Praxis & gesellschaftlicher Wandel: Was kann Wissenschaft zur Transformation beitragen?

Zum Verhältnis von Politik, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft

Group photo

The African Investigative Journalism Conference reaches its 19th year

KAS Media Africa Supports African Investigative Journalism

Family Photo

KAS Media Africa and the Graduate School of Media and Communications do it again!

Newsroom Managers Participate in “Managing Conflict in Today’s Newsroom” Course in Nairobi, Kenya

Reimagining African Journalism in the Age of AI

Africa Journalism and Media Summit 2023

Reimagining African Journalism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Family Photo - Africa facts Summit, University of Mauritius

KAS Media Africa Supports Annual Africa Facts Summit at the University of Mauritius

African factcheckers congregate to discuss all things fact-checking

Die Zukunft des Journalismus: Finanzierung, Verantwortung und Vertrauen

Medienpolitisches Fachgespräch am 3. Juli 2023 in der Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Drozdovsky (hochkant) 1 A (1)

Veranstaltungsbericht vom 04.07.: „Politische Gefangene in Belarus“

Am 04.07 lud die KAS zu einer Abendveranstaltung in Kooperation mit der belarusischen Gemeinschaft „Razam“ zu der Thematik „Politische Gefangene in Belarus" ein.

Why Journalism - Stroies from News Reporters in Africa, the Publication

KAS Media Africa Launches “Why Journalism – Stories from News Reporters in Africa”

14 journalists tell why they chose the profession despite all odds


KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award Winners for 2022 Visit Local Newsrooms in Germany

Prizewinners show that local journalism is alive in Africa

Bonner Rede zur Demokratie 2023 Volker Lannert

„Bonner Rede zur Demokratie“ und das Ringen um Freiheit

Diskussion über Hate Speech und Fake News – Eine Stipendiatin erzählt vom Seminar

Wie umgehen mit der neuen Debattenkultur im Netz. Dieser Frage stellten sich 18 Teilnehmende eines Aufbauseminars


Media library

Media Dialogue Forum 6 Year 4

WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording "COP28 and the Way Forward"

Listen to a debrief on the issues discussed and agreements reached at COP28 in Dubai and their implication for Thailand going forward.

Media Dialogue Forum 5 Year 4

WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording "Thorny Issues ahead of COP28"

Hear from the experts and look ahead to the key issues facing the negotiation rounds at the COP28 in Dubai this year.

Media Dialogue Forum 4 Year 4

WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording "The Lessons Learned from PM2.5 and Rights to Clean Air"

Whether Thailand has learned this hard lesson and managed to address the true causes in order to come up with proportionate measures and policies.

Media Dialogue Forum 3 Year 4

WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording "Dam or No Dam? in the Country’s Natural World Heritage Sites"

The discussion and input from stakeholders on large water management development projects in Thailand's World Heritage sites and a serious challenge for the preservation.

Promoting Public Participation in the Democratic Process

Direct Talks with MPs Year 2 EP 7-14

The Democratic Youth Network sits down and discusses with Members of the Parliament about many agenda, legal provisions, and policies significant for the development of Thailand.

read now
Promoting Public Participation in the Democratic Process

Direct Talks with MPs Year 2 EP 1-6

The Democratic Youth Network sits down and discusses with Members of the Parliament about many agenda, legal provisions, and policies significant for the development of Thailand.

read now
Media Dialogue Forum 2 Year 4 by Bangkok Tribune News Agency

WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording on El Niño - From Global Warming to Global Boiling

Experts and stakeholders discussed on how Thailand should prepare to cope with the escalation and effects of the climate change in both short and long terms.

Media Dialogue Forum 1 Year 4 by Bangkok Tribune News Agency

WATCH AGAIN: Environmental Policies and Challenges in the New Politics

Explore the ideas for Thailand’s next possible moves on addressing environmental policies after the general election for the sustainable development in the country

Erststimme #73: Philipp Pohlmann

Cologne Pride

Wir sprechen mit Phillip Pohlmann, dem Landesvorsitzenden der LSU NRW über den Christopher Street Day im Jahr 2023 und die Arbeit der LSU in die CDU hinein und aus der CDU heraus.

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Cyberbezpieczeństwo: TikTok jest dużym zagrożeniem

Tym razem w podcaście do debaty Forum Dialog plus występuje przed mikrofonem Marcina Antosiewicza dr inż. Andrzej Kozak, ostrzegający nas przed cybernetycznymi zagrożeniami.

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