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Asset Publisher

Innovation and Sustainable Development in the Nordics

Five determinants of Finland and Sweden's preparedness for the green transformation

This paper seeks to better understand how the Nordic countries use innovation to move the green transition forward and handle sustainable development challenges. Sweden and Finland are highlighted as examples due to their outstanding international performance in being both - sustainable and competitive. By doing so, we seek to shed light on some reasons why we think that some Nordic countries are well prepared to use innovation for sustainable development. The report is mainly based on the analysis of institutions and policy documents, like official communications, or goal and target settings, but also newspaper articles.

Bound Together - Shared Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region

A KAS/Frivärld Anthology

The Baltic Sea region is one of the world’s most integrated and interconnected. It is defined both by shared history and common challenges that will shape its future.

Transforming Industry Toward a Low-Carbon Future - a Specific View on Green Hydrogen

A report from the KAS-arranged November 2021 Nordic/German roundtables in Luleå, Sweden

The roundtable discussion about the transition to a green hydrogen economy revealed that there is still a lot to be done on the European, but also the national and regional levels, in order to make the vision of a fossil-free industry a reality.

The Traffic Light Coalition Agreement: Which Direction Will the New Federal Government Take?

For the first time in Germany's history, three parties (the SPD, the Bündnis 90/the Greens, and the FDP) will form a coalition government led by Olaf Scholz (SPD). The next Bundeskanzler was sworn in on 08.12.2021. Following 16 years of CDU leadership under Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, the anticipation was high about the specific changes that the new coalition would propose. The title of the Coalition Agreement for 2021-2025, "More Progress - A Partnership for Liberty, Justice, and Sustainability," promised a slew of fresh ideas and innovations. However, what does the coalition propose? We have analyzed and summarized the topics of foreign and security policy, as well as innovation and sustainable development, in our analysis.

Nordic Variation of Christian Democracy – A Comparison of Christian Democratic Parties in the North

In a new report written for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Dr. Douglas Brommesson develops an argument for why Christian Democracy is facing structural challenges, discussing the challenges facing the Nordic Christian Democratic parties. Dr. Brommesson’s report also describes the various strategies that Nordic Christian Democrats have used to improve their situation are discussed. Finally, Dr. Brommesson reflects on the future for Nordic Christian Democracy.

Victor Svedberg / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 /

Schweden hat erstmalig eine Ministerpräsidentin

Magdalena Andersson im zweiten Wahlgang gewählt

Nun ist es durch: Magdalena Andersson, Vorsitzende der sozialdemokratischen Partei (S) Schwedens und bislang Finanzministerin, wurde im zweiten Versuch diesen Montag knapp zur neuen Ministerpräsidentin gewählt. 173 stimmten gegen sie, 101 für sie und 75 enthielten sich. In Schweden gilt, dass man gewählt ist, wenn man keine Mehrheit gegen sich hat, Enthaltungen gelten somit als Jastimmen. Sie wird zukünftig eine sozialdemokratische Ein-Parteien-Minderheitsregierung anführen, da der Koalitionspartner, die grüne Umweltpartei (MP), sich letzten Mittwoch überraschend aus der Regierung zurückgezogen und Frau Andersson damit nach nur 8 Stunden im Amt zum Rücktritt gezwungen hatte.

The Nordic countries at COP 26 - lofty rhetoric, questionable ambitions

A KAS Nordics report from COP 26 in Glasgow

“COP26 must be the moment that the world comes together to deliver decisive action to protect our planet. During COP26 we want to inspire faster, more ambitious action from all countries, and all of society, that will help us keep alive the crucial Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C.” – Alok Sharma, COP26 President

China and the Nordics: Tracing Trends in Relations

A joint ISDP/KAS report on the past and current trends in Sino-Nordic relations

Many discussions about foreign policy as well as trade and national security make reference to China and its changing political landscape. Some look to the past, drawing on historical analogies to explain the politics of the present, while others zoom in on specific developments to the exclusion of other considerations. In outlining this Asia Paper, the authors set themselves a goal to produce a report on China’s relationships with the Nordic states that is general, succinct, and readable. The main body of the text is sectioned into four parts. The first section explores the historical backdrop of Sino-Nordic relations and provides a brief overview of the interplay between Chinese domestic developments and diplomacy. This is followed by a discussion in the second section of contemporary facets of relations, including economic ties, security concerns, and political considerations. The third section explores an ideological dimension of relations by examining the impact of Chinese political thought and rhetoric on Nordic politics and society. Finally, the report touches upon the Arctic as a unique intersection of Nordic and Chinese interests. [Excerpt from the authors' own introduction.]

Wikimedia Commons / Zinneke / CC BY-SA 3.0

Island hat gewählt

Alte Koalition mit neuem konservativen Ministerpräsidenten?

Bei den Isländischen Parlamentswahlen am 25.09.2021 baute die bisherige Regierungskoalition ihre Mehrheit aus. So erhalten die drei Parteien der Links-Rechts-Koalition unter Ministerpräsidentin Katrín Jakobsdóttir 37 von insgesamt 63 Sitzen im Althingi. Die konservative Unabhängigkeitspartei konnte mit 24,4 Prozent Ihre bisherigen 16 Sitze halten und bleibt stärkste Kraft in Island. Die Fortschrittspartei (liberal, Bauernpartei) war dennoch der große Wahlsieger mit einem Zuwachs von +6,6 Prozent und erhält 13 Sitze. Die Links-Grüne Bewegung der Ministerpräsidentin Jakobsdóttir musste dagegen deutliche Verluste hinnehmen und kam auf 12,6 Prozent und somit nur 8 Sitze.

Lennart Perlenhem / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 2.5 DK

Regierungswechsel in Norwegen

Mitte-Links Koalition wahrscheinlich

Am Montag standen in Norwegen die 169 Mandate für den Stortinget, das norwegische Parlament, zur Wahl. Mit einem Ergebnis von 26,35% und somit einem klaren Vorsprung vor der zweitplatzierten konservativen Partei Høyre (20,50%) wurde die sozialdemokratische Arbeiderpartiet (Ap) stärkste Kraft. Sehr wahrscheinlich ist nunmehr die Bildung einer Mitte-Links-Regierung unter der Führung des Sozialdemokraten Jonas Gahr Støre mit der sozialistischen Linkspartei Sosialistisk Venstreparti (SV) sowie der agrarisch-ländlichen Zentrumspartei Senterpartiet (Sp).