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Majority of Palestinians Reject Hamas' Military Action in the Gaza Strip and Supports Early Elections

Fatah and President Mahmud Abbas are gaining popular support but Palestians are pessimistic about the proposed Pease Conference – these are the results of a new poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and Gaza in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Ramallah.

Sixth Issue of the Newsletter “Nazaha/Integrity” Published

The sixth edition of the newsletter “Nazaha/Integrity” is focusing on the Code of Conduct for Transparency and Integrity, which has been introduced by the Nazaha-project in July 2007 and has already been signed by nearly 90 Palestinian NGOs. Other issues concerning integrity, transparency and accountability within the NGO-sector in Palestine are being raised as well. The newsletter is published regularly in the framework of the Nazaha project.

Ende der Zwei-Staaten-Lösung?

Interview mit Thomas Birringer

„Die Teilung der Palästinensischen Autonomiegebiete ist zementiert und beendet damit wohl die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung“, so der Auslandsmitarbeiter für die Palästinensischen Autonomiegebiete, Thomas Birringer, im Interview.Das komplette Interview zur Lage in den Palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten nach der Machtübernahme der Hamas im Gazastreifen, finden Sie hier:

Almost No Hope for Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians

After Hamas' seizure of power in Gaza Israelis as well as Palestinians are pessimistic. More then two thirds of them believe that the confrontations will continue. This is the outcome of a joint Israeli-Palestinian poll.

Sawt Al-Nissa, No. 267

In this issue, Sawt Al-Nissa explains the concept of Democracy as the acceptance of other believes and ideas. Furthermore, the Palestinian conflict is seen throughout an Egyptian perspective. Another focus lies, again, on the current situation in Gaza: even though the situation seems to be more quiet now, the calming down is only on the surface and the worst is yet to come when the economic and social life will break down. As an example, the magazine cites the graduation classes of Gazas High-Schools that couldn’t take the final Tawjehi exams. Finally, a woman writes a pamphlets of anger about the political situation in the country, accusing both political factions of the internal conflicts.

Support for Hamas Is Declining

A new poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and Gaza shows that a overwhelming majority is in favour of early elections, while the public satisfaction with Hamas is declining.

Fifth Issue of the Newsletter “Nazaha/Integrity” Published

The fifth edition of the newsletter “Nazaha/Integrity” is discussing the role of the citizen in the fight against corruption in the NGO-sector and the NGOs’ quest to strengthen transparency in the public sector. Other issues concerning integrity, transparency and accountability within the NGO-sector in Palestine are being raised as well. The newsletter is published regularly in the framework of the Nazaha project.

Hamas vor der Machtübernahme im Gaza-Streifen

In den letzten Tagen sind die Kämpfe zwischen Hamas und Fatah im Gaza-Streifen in einer bisher ungekannten Form eskaliert. De Facto bedeutet das wahrscheinliche Ergebnis der Kampfhandlungen eine vollständige Machtübernahme der Hamas im Gaza-Streifen.

Sawt Al-Nissa, No. 266

After the clash between Hamas and Fatah and the subsequent takeover of Hamas in Gaza, Swat Al-Nissa poses the questions where the situation would lead to and who would be able to cease the conflict in Gaza. In addition, the magazine deals with the 30.000 Palestinians without an ID Card and that subsequently live without the sense of belonging to a certain national identity. Finally, the magazine shows the dilemma of the break out of the internal conflict between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza: While Palestinian Women are struggling for their equality, the internal conflict is another factor that weakens their efforts.

Report about the Current Legal Situation of NGOs in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories

The Nazaha Project aims at combating corruption and bribery among the Palestinian NGOs in order to enable these NGOs to function as a watchdog in the society.In the framework of the Nazaha-project, a report concerning the legal basis for enhancing integrity and the fight against corruption within the Palestinian NGO-sector was compiled in cooperation with the legal expert Fatima al-Moa’qat.