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Event Reports

Dialogue program: Towards a Shared Understanding of the Mediterranean

Dialogue program on current political and economic developments in the Southern Mediterranean

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With increasing challenges in the Southern Mediterranean, the region has drawn growing international attention. Against this backdrop, different dialogue formats have taken place in order to foster a better understanding of the current developments. However, these platforms only rarely include representatives from Central and Eastern European countries.

In order to contribute to filling this gap, the KAS Regional Program South Mediterranean invited a delegation of officials, deputies and representatives of political parties from Germany, Central and Eastern Europe for a dialogue program in order to foster a shared understanding of current issues at stake in the Southern Mediterranean. The program took place from 20-23 November 2018 in Rome on the sidelines of the high-level Rome MED 2018 conference hosted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which each year brings together high-level decision-makers and heads of states and governments from across the Mediterranean and beyond.

The delegation received targeted briefings on the topics of migration, development policy and security by experts from the Southern Mediterranean region and met officials from the Italian Government, such as the Italian Senate and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The program also included the participation in the Rome MED 2018 conference. Through the different inputs, meetings and discussions, the participants thus received a multitude of perspectives and insights on the current developments in the Mediterranean and had the opportunity to deepen their understanding and discuss common challenges and potentials for cooperation.

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