


Bilaterale Gespräche

Das Team des Rechtsstaatsprogrammes der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, bestehend aus Dr. Arne Wulff, Peter Wendoh und Marie-Laura Schmitt, trafen die Präsidenten des Afrikanischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte und Rechte der Völker und des Gerichtshofs der Ostafrikanischen Gemeinschaft zu bilateralen Gesprächen in Arusha, Tansania


The Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa (ICLA) of the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa are organising a conference on the theme, “The rule of law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Promises, progress, pitfalls and prospects.” This will take place in Pretoria on 29 and 30 June 2017 at the University of Pretoria.

KAS Law Study Library Volume 01/2017

KAS African Law Study Library is a journal which publishes articles written by young scholars from the African continent. The journal deals with practical aspects important for the development of the Rule of Law in an African context.

KAS Law Study Library Volume 04/2016

KAS African Law Study Library is a journal which publishes articles written by young scholars from the African continent. The journal deals with practical aspects important for the development of the Rule of Law in an African context. Available online:


This book endeavours to identify obstacles to constitutional implementation in Africa and, on the basis of good practice, assess how this could be overcome. This study represents a first attempt to draw attention to the issue, and hopes to open a serious debate about it and pave the way for making this issue an integral consideration in constitution-building in the future. The variety of perspectives in this volume should make it appealing to academics, practitioners, policy makers and postgraduate research students interested in the intricacies of comparative African constitutional law.

Publication: KAS African Law Study Library Vol. 3/2016

This e-book is comprised of several papers following our forth regional conference in Nairobi in Kenya in Autumn 2016. The authors are young legal researchers and experts, providing in several chapters their insights into the issue of: "Requirements for an independent and effective judiciary in Burundi, DR Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda – current problems in criminal and civil proceedings". Link to the e-book:

Book Publication: Gender Equality and Political Processes in Kenya

The publication "Gender Equality and Political Processes in Kenya: Challenges and Prospects" (ed. Japhet Biegon) was launched during the Annual Law Conference of the International Commission of Jurists, Kenyan Section in November 2016. This book addresses and summarizes the issue of the Jurists' Conference of 2015, which was implemented in cooperation with the KAS Rule of Law Program for Sub-Saharan Africa, ICJ Kenya and the National Gender and Equality Commission. The e-book can be downloaded here.

Book Publication: Confronting the Corrupt

Accountabilty Now's Battle against graft in SA

Confronting the Corrupt tells the tale of Accountability Now’s biggest battles, leading to landmark decisions in jurisprudence and earning its place in the small but determined group of organisations protecting and upholding the rule of law in South Africa.

Klimawandel und Energiesicherheit im Anthropozän: Afrika im Lichte des Pariser Klimaschutzabkommens

erschienen in: KAS Auslandsinformationen: Klima. Energie. Sicherheit. (Ausgabe 2/2016)

Die Folgen des Klimawandels sind in Afrika ganz besonders zu spüren. Der Kontinent, der Heimat für etwa 1,2 Milliarden Menschen ist, von denen viele unterhalb der Armutsgrenze leben, erleidet zunehmend Dürren und sintflutartige Regenfälle. Die Umsetzung der Pariser Vereinbarung zum Klimaschutz vom Dezember 2015 wird ganz wesentlich davon abhängen, welche Schritte afrikanische Staaten unternehmen werden, um ihre weitere Entwicklung bei gleichzeitig möglichst geringer Emission von Treibhausgasen voranzutreiben.

Tschads früherer Präsident Hissene Habre verurteilt

Das Verfahren gegen den früheren Herrscher und Militärführer Hissene Habre begann am 20 Juli 2015 vor einem außerordentlichen senegalesischen Gerichtshof („Extraordinary African Chambers in Senegal“). Am 30. Mai 2016 verurteilte der Gerichtshof Habre wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, Kriegsverbrechen, und Anwendung von Folter zu einer lebenslänglichen Haftstrafe.