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Here you will find different forms of video material and expert interviews relating to the political work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in South Africa

Interview with Henning Suhr on the topic of "Nelson Mandela's 100th Birthday", 18.07.2018 (accessible in German)

Nelson Mandela was the most famous prisoner in the world. He spent 27 years in prison - for his fight against the apartheid system in South Africa. He wanted equal opportunities for all South Africans, and that is what he fought for as President in the 1990s. He would have turned 100 on July 18th. An interview about Mandela's legacy with Henning Suhr, director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in South Africa.

Tilmann Feltes on BusinessDay TV on the topic of "G20 and Africa", 14.07.2017

YEESS-Youth Summit, Port Elizabeth, 06.03.2017, Opening Remarks Tilmann Feltes

Youth Indaba, Durban, 19.06.2017, Aftermovie

FW de Klerk Foundation 2017, Opening Remarks Christian Echle

FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference, Part 2

"KAS - 50 years of International Cooperation"

"Play Handball" - First Climate Neutral Handball Tournament, April 2016

The idea of the tournament, funded by KAS in cooperation with PLAY HANDBALL ZA and DEUTSCHER HANDBALLBUND (DHB), is to enhance environmental awareness among the youth.

COP21-Expert Roundtable, March 2016

The Roundtable discussion reflected in an interdisciplinary manner on the COP21 Paris Agreement and particularly what challenges and opportunities arise from the Agreement and how law, politics, finance and related mechanisms can further climate change justice ahead and enfold protection mechanisms for the most vulnerable.

KAS-Interview with Public Protector Adv. Thuli Madonsela, Oktober 2015

The Office of the Public Protector (PP), lead by Adv. Thuli Madonsela, is a Chapter-9-Institution and plays an important role in the political system of South Africa. The interview was shown at the CDU-Africa-Kongress in April 2016 in Germany.

KAS-Interview with Mr. Moeletsi Mbeki, Oktober 2015

The interview with Moeletsi Mbeki, Deputy Chairman of the KAS partner institution South African Institute for International Affairs (SAIIA), was also recorded for the CDU-Africa-Kongress in April 2016 in Germany.

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Moritz Sprenker

Moritz Sprenker

Project Manager +27 (11) 214 2900-202 +27 11 214 29 13/14

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