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First Presidential Candidates' Discussion

First Presidential Candidates' Discussion ahead of the upcoming Elections in Namibia

Voter apathy, and poor voter turnout can be attributed to a myriad of complex and inter-related issues, of which some are the lack of awareness, insufficient information on candidat...

IMG 1 Cover KAS stand
Youth Participation in Democracy

Bringing Democracy closer to the public

KAS had an interactive information stand at Namibia University of Science Technology demystifying good governance and civic education to present & future custodians of Democracy.


Handover of the Constitution of Namibia in Braille with Namibian Federation of the Visually Impaired

KAS Namibia emphasizes the importance of Access to Information for all including persons with disabilities by turning the approach of Inclusivity into action.

Country report

Between Hype, hope and tangible changes

By implementing its plans for becoming a leading producer of green hydrogen, Namibia has the potential to kickstart its economy, create jobs nad help fight climate change.

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Voters Education

Towards Namibias next Presidential Election 2024. Aiming to educate Nambians about their rights to vote, how to paticipate in Election and to understand why it's important to vote.

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Socio Economic Opportunities of Hydrogen for the SADC Region

The conference enabled an open platform for dialogues on climate change and socio-economic opportunities related the development of green hydrogen in the Southern African region.

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KAS helps to consolidate the democratic constitution and the political and socio-economic participation of citizens, esp. women in Namibia through socio-political and educational programs. Similar activities are conducted from Windhoek for Angola. A focal point of the work of KAS is the analysis of regional integration in Southern Africa.

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2020/2021 National Budget Tabled in Parliament

National Budget Debate

Finance Minister, Iipumbu Shiimi tabled the National Budget in Parliament today, 27 May 2020, with a projected expenditure of N$72.8 billion.

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Voters Education NBC Radio Programme

Namibian Voters Sensitisation and Awareness



Roundtable on current socioeconomic situation in Angola

Informal Sector, Labor market, wage policy and developmental economic implication in Angola



ECSO Project Information Sessions and CSO Stakeholder Meetings

Second Round - Erongo



Annual Magistrates' Conference

Fostering a Unified Magistracy

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