Asset Publisher


Investment Screening

Clever or counterproductive?

In general, incoming foreign direct investments are much needed and welcomed in the EU. However, China has boosted its investments across Europe by 1,500 per cent since 2010.

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Especially take-overs of high-tech companies by Chinese investors and frustration about the restrictiveness of the Chinese market for EU investors sparked a controversial debate about a latent "naivety" of Europe’s openness. Measures against the sell-out of strategic technological competences have been demanded by several Member States and parts of the European Parliament. While countries like Germany introduced legal changes in order to facilitate state intervention against unwanted take-overs, the European Commission proposed a new regulation to screen incoming investments. At our lunch meeting, we will have a look at the current proposal and discuss opportunities and challenges of the existing tool box that the EU and Member States have or should have to deal with incoming investments.

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Brussels European Office
11, Avenue de l’Yser,
B-1040 Brussels
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  • Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl (MEP)
    • Carlo Pettinato (Head of Unit DG Trade
      • EC) and Jürgen Matthes (Head of Research Unit International Economic Order and Economic Outlook
        • Cologne Institute for Economic Research)

          Dr. Hardy Ostry


          Head of the Washington, D.C. office


          Mathias Koch

          Mathias Koch bild

          Research Associate European Office

 +32 2 66931-53 +32 2 66931-62

          Asset Publisher

          Asset Publisher


          Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e. V