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Размова экспертаў

Музей советской истории. Репрессии и/или ностальгия: как выйти из ловушки?

Круглый стол в рамках проекта “Коммунистическое наследие в Беларуси и странах ЕС: проблематика интерпретации и актуальность сохранения”

Центр европейских исследований Вилфрида Мартенса (Бельгия) и Фонд им. Конрада Аденауэра (Беларусь), при участии Европейского гуманитарного университета (Литва), реализуют проект “Коммунистическое наследие в Беларуси и странах ЕС: проблематика интерпретации и актуальность сохранения”.


Germany meets the Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe

Закрытая конференция


Беларусь на разломе

МИНСКИЙ ФОРУМ XVIII, 2-3 декабря 2020 при участии Светланы Тихановской и Министра иностранных дел ФРГ Хайко Мааса

Каковы пути выхода из белорусского политического кризиса? Как достичь примирения? Какие перспективы демократического и экономического развития есть у страны? Как будут развиваться отношения с соседними государствами? Ответы на эти и другие вопросы 2-3 декабря попытается найти «МИНСКИЙ ФОРУМ XVIII». Мероприятие впервые пройдёт полностью онлайн, над его организацией работают Берлин, Минск, Вильнюс, Варшава и Киев.


Belarus: What’s Next?

This online event aims to discuss the recent developments in the country, focusing on the radical change within Belarusian society, the driving force of the revolution.

Mass protests have rocked Belarus since the 9 August presidential election, with thousands of people marching in Minsk and other cities throughout the country, demanding the resignation of Alyaksandr Lukashenka. The unprecedented wave of unrest was triggered by the results of the election, that handed Lukashenka a crushing victory with 80% of the vote. His main challenger, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, and her supporters refused to recognise the validity of the result. In the first days after the vote, Belarusian authorities cracked down brutally on the protesters, detaining hundreds of protesters and prosecuting top activists. Many prominent members of the Coordination Council for the Transfer of Power have either been arrested or forced to leave the country. This online event aims to discuss the recent developments in the country, focusing on the radical change within Belarusian society, the driving force of the revolution. How can the EU support the nation’s transition to free and democratic elections? Will Putin give his unconditional support to the last dictator in Europe? These and other questions will be tackled during the discussion.

Навуковая канферэнцыя



The conference is organized by the OAOEV, Representative Office of German Economy in Belarus and DBWC in cooperation with local Belarusian companies and organizations.


Coping with COVID - International Perspectives (Singapore)

Expert: Christian Echle Director, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Political Dialogue Asia/Singapore

Weekly online discussions with Country Office Directors of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung


The World HandCOV’d: Russia - Strategic dilemmas facing Russia in the post-corona world

The pandemic disruption is not likely to change our world altogether, but it will clearly have profound geopolitical implications, including for international security. In order to understand those possible implications, the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations and KAS Belarus are continuing a series of virtual panels that will zoom in on strategic dilemmas facing key pillars of international security in the post-corona world.


EHU and KAS Animation Project Contest “Why Europe is not complete without Belarus”

Сompetition for students from Belarus for animation project ideas

On the occasion of the upcoming Presidency of Germany in the Council of the European Union, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Belarus Country Office (KAS-Belarus) and the European Humanities University (EHU) are glad to announce a competition for students from Belarus for animation project ideas on the topic “Why Europe is not complete without Belarus”.


Coping with COVID - International Perspectives (Israel)

Third session: Israel

On May 22nd at 11 AM (Minsk/Vilnius time, GMT+3), we will be joined by Dr. Alexander Brakel (Director, KAS Israel) to speak about the situation with the coronavirus in Israel.


"Coping with COVID-19: international perspectives" series

Second session: China

On May 14th at 11 AM (Minsk/Vilnius time, GMT+3), we will be joined by Matthias Schäfer (Director, KAS China) to speak about the situation with the coronavirus in China.

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