

Europe’s Indo-Pacific embrace: global partnerships for regional resilience

webinar launch of our latest publication (This event is only in English)

The Perth USAsia Centre, in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to the webinar launch of our latest publication, Europe’s Indo-Pacific embrace: global partnerships for regional resilience.



The Indo-Pacific’s centrality to 21st century geopolitics has long been recognised by those in the region. However, as the Indo-Pacific evolves economically and strategically, its importance is increasingly recognised by those outside the region, whose desires for global prosperity and security demand closer engagement with Indo-Pacific dynamics. Foremost amongst these are European governments.

Understanding how European and Indo-Pacific actors will interact with the region is vital to all concerned. There is a need for increased knowledge of where European and Indo-Pacific interests are best-placed to cooperate with one another, on which issues, and through which channels.

This webinar will feature some of the report’s authors to analyse its key findings and assess how European governments can most effectively engage with Indo-Pacific partners.

Dr Thomas Fitschen, Ambassador, German Embassy Australia

Prof Gordon Flake, Chief Executive Officer, Perth USAsia Centre

David McAllister (MdEP), Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament

James Bowen, Policy Fellow, Perth USAsia Centre

Verlee Nouwens, Senior Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies

Rory Medcalf, Head of National Security College, Australian National University

Bertil Wenger, Director, Regional Programme Australia and the Pacific, KAS


(additional speaker(s) will be updated soon)


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Juliane Strache

