

Foreign and Security Policy Outlook:

China’s Great Game? Regional Connectivity, Power Asymmetries and Security Integration (this is only available in English)

KAS Australia and the Pacific will host a dinner discussion for board members of the German-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and security experts in Canberra.



The topic focuses on regional connectivity, power asymmetries and security integration as great Power politics are said to increasingly drive economic and political developments in the Indo-Pacific. Many commentators therefore suggest the course of the next decade will to a large extent be determined by how China and the United States manage their relationship and respective power resources.

Taking a broader perspective, it is important to not only focus on great power rivalries but also consider the role/capability/status of other nations in the region) and beyond, ie Europe in terms of their resources (material/human capital), defence capacities, commitment to cooperation and the effectiveness of their foreign policy.

This closed-door event forms part of the German-Australian Chamber’s ‘Canberra Delegation’, an annual event where members have the opportunity to engage with key policy makers in the “heart of the nation”, Canberra.

This year’s delegation will focus on hydrogen, cyber security, Industry 4.0 and the ongoing negotiations for the Australia-EU Free Trade Agreement.


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Juliane Strache

