

Europe's Indo-Pacific Embrace: Global Partnerships for Regional Resilience

This event was only in English

On 7 October, KAS Australia and the Pacific and the Perth USAsia Centre hosted an online event to officially launch the ‘Europe’s Indo-Pacific embrace: Global partnerships for regional resilience’ report. In view of the German Guidelines to the Indo-Pacific and the recently published European Indo-Pacific Strategy, this event aimed to facilitate scientific exchange and strengthen bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation in the face of the Indo-Pacific region's increasingly challenging geopolitical environment.


As the Indo-Pacific evolves economically and strategically, its importance is increasingly recognized by those outside the region, whose desires for global prosperity and security demand closer engagement with Indo-Pacific dynamics. Understanding how Europe and Indo-Pacific actors will interact with the region is vital to all concerned. There is a need for increased knowledge of where European Indo-Pacific interests are best-placed to cooperate with one another, on which issues, and through which channels.

The launch included a keynote address by David McAllister, Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, followed by a panel discussion between chapter authors Dr Lynn Kuok, Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Prof. Rory Medcalf, Head of the Australian National University’s National Security College, and Veerle Nouwens, Senior Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, and a Q&A session, moderated by Perth USAsia Policy Fellow James Bowen. Topics covered included ASEAN’s embrace of European approaches to the region, Australia’s partnership with Europe and areas of strategic cooperation, the UK’s tilt to the Indo-Pacific and an overall discussion of the regional issues to which European partners could make the most significant contribution.

Follow this link for a recording of the event: 'Europe’s Indo-Pacific Embrace: Global Partnerships for Regional Resilience' Publication Launch


