

A HandCOV’d World: USA - Strategic dilemmas facing the United States in the post-corona world


The pandemic disruption is not likely to change our world altogether, but it will clearly have profound geopolitical implications, including for international security. In order to understand those possible implications, the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations and KAS Belarus are launching a series of virtual panels that will zoom in on strategic dilemmas facing key pillars of international security in the post-corona world.



The inaugural online event will look at the United States:

  • What specific security and geopolitical circumstances does the U.S. find itself in at the time of the pandemic disruption? 
  • What major security policy dilemmas is the U.S. facing now and is likely to face as the Covid-19 crisis is over?
  • How will the pandemic and its longer-term effects impact the American status and role in the international system?
  • What strategic implications will the (non)changing U.S. role in the world have for Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security?


LTG (Ret.) Ben Hodges

Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA); former Commanding General of US Army Europe, USA

Dr. Mikhail Troitskiy

Dean, MGIMO School of Government and International Affairs, Russia

Mr. Paul Linnarz

Director Country Office USA, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Germany

Dr. Andrei Kazakevich

Director, Institute of Political Studies “Political Sphere”, Belarus


Mr. Jakob Wöllenstein

Director Country Office Belarus, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Germany

Mr. Yauheni Preiherman

Director, Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations, Belarus


How to join a meeting?

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 Click the link to join the meeting:

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Meeting ID: 885 8756 2457

Password: 950227


If you haven’t pre-installed ZOOM or the option to join from your browser doesn’t appear automatically:

Once you have clicked the link to join the meeting, select “download & run Zoom”.

The option Join from your Browser will appear.

If prompted, sign in to your Zoom account. If you do not have a Zoom account, click “Sign Up Free” and create a new account.

It is highly recommended to install ZOOM in advance to avoid unexpected technical difficulties when joining the discussion.

Please check the microphone settings on your computer before the event to ensure that everything is working well.


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Jakob Wöllenstein

Jakob Wöllenstein

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Belarus +370 5 212 22 94 +370 5 2122294

