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Tag der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2021

„Politik und Vertrauen“

Die Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im Kontext von Partizipation, Repräsentation, Sicherheit und Innovation


KAS Virtual Launch of Business Heroes in Kenya

Social Ecological Market Economy

In reference to the aspect of Social Market Economy, KAS Kenya ventured to follow the journey of one Kenyan Business Hero Dr. Maxwel Okoth, founder/CEO Ruai Family Hospital, RFH Healthcare Ltd, who shares his experiences in setting up his business despite the various challenges encountered. The film will thus further enhance experience sharing and discussions on how best to integrate the SEME aspect in the country.


Mentorship Training based on the evaluation

On the 2nd-4th of April, 2019, KAS, Kenya held a mentorship training in Mombasa, with 17 young politicians. It was a follow up on previous mentorship programs, where mentors and mentees have been taken through the process of understanding their rights, the importance of political participation, as well as getting engaged in political actions on the ground. Overall, more than 850 mentees have benefitted from the program so far, countrywide. The program further trains and strengthens the mentees in organizing and conducting their own mentorship programs as a trickle-down effect.


Use of early-warning systems:Gathering information, technical instruments, engaging government.

The CSOs trained earlier particularly the ToTs and other facilitators will be assisted by KAS to put the knowledge learnt into action by engaging in community level trainings, this time round, in light of the ongoing government budgetary process.


KAS Kenya Retreat with select political parties.

The forum will create opportunities for pre-selected political parties that are potentially partners of KAS Kenya to share their political parties beliefs vis-à-vis KAS Kenya’s work,their manifestos,activities and gaps therein.


Development of strategies to integrate data from early-warning-systems into mid-term political planning.

The Workshop seeks to expand the political space on the use of data from EWS in planning within the area of food security in Baringo and West Pokot.


Round-Table: Which framework does Kenya need for virtual markets?

The aim of the round table discussion is to stimulate discussions between entrepreneurs, politicians and IT-experts on the potential design of a framework for virtual markets in the country and this is the first of many discussions to take place.


Training on raw material-extraction in Turkana-Capacity building in project-planning for local CSOs.

The aim of the training is that civil society organisations (CSOs) and the youth would become active stakeholders in the definition of the project and its effects on their livelihoods.


Early-warning systems and resilience against drought: challenges and solutions.

This activity will provide an interesting dimension towards promoting sustainable solutions to food insecurity by pitching the idea of accountable governance at the community level by community groups.


Strengthening the role of county representatives in the implementation of the National Anti-Drought Strategy (EDE)

Strengthen the concept of contingency plan and drought preparedness for the forthcoming dry spell Jan-March and assess the socio-economic and demographic status and to build context information on early warning through contingency planning process.


Partnership for Peace

Die politische Situation nach den Wahlen im März 2013

Der Workshop in Kisumu wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Jane Murutu, der ehemaligen Co-Managerin des Projektes, durch das Länderbüro Kenia der KAS organisiert. Ziel des Workshops war es, eine aktuelle wirkungsästhetische Analyse der verschiedenen NROs nach Beendigung des Projektes zu erarbeiten. Dabei wurde der Situation nach den Wahlen 2013 und der weiteren Kooperation mit der KAS besondere Bedeutung beigemessen.


Important aspects for the Cooperation between Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Different Residents Associations in Kenya

KAS Film Club

Soul Boy

Das KAS Büro in Nairobi hatte sein erstes dem Film gewidmeten Kulturprogramm bei dem der kenianische Film „Soul Boy“ gezeigt wurde. Der Film wurde in Kibera gedreht und die Darsteller wurden von der deutschen Filmgesellschaft One Fine Day, die mit dem Goethe Institut in Nairobi zusammenarbeitet, vor Ort ausgewählt.

Die Justizreform und die bevorstehenden Wahlen 2013


Die Justizreform in Kenia fordert u.a. Beteiligung und Engagement der Bürger. Vorassetzung dafür ist, dass die Bürger die notwendigen Veränderungen nachvollziehen können und zunehmend Rechnschaft, Transparenz und Gerechtigkeit fordern.


The office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Nairobi organised a one day workshop for its partners on 5th February 2013 at Eastland Hotel, Nairobi. The purpose of the work-shop was to introduce the partners to the new guidelines as expected of them from the KAS Head office in Berlin.


Structure and objective of the county GovernmentPeople’s participation with much emphasis on the party lists and other pertinent issues unknown to the public.The participants invited are from Non-state actors/civil society, the 2013 aspirants and opinion leaders from Machakos and Makueni Counties. The number of participants invited is fifty (50).

Organisation und Ablauf von Wahlen in Deutschland

01. – 08. Mai 2012

Studien- und Dialogprogramm für drei Mitglieder der Wahlkommission und drei Vertreter politischer Parteien Kenias zum Thema "Organisation und Ablauf von Wahlen in Deutschland", 01. – 08. Mai 2012

Herausforderungen des Klimawandels in Subsahara-Afrika

Fachkonferenz in Arusha

Vom 25. bis 29. März 2012 diskutierten die Auslandsmitarbeiter der KAS in Subsahara-Afrika, Kollegen aus der Berliner Zentrale und afrikanische Experten über die Folgen des Klimawandels und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen für die Stiftungsarbeit in ihren afrikanischen Partnerländern.

E-lection Bridge Africa East

Politische Kommunikation in Kenia - in Kooperation mit dem KAS Medienprogramm Sub-Sahara Afrika

Die KAS-Initiative "E-lection Bridge Africa" setzt ihre erfolgreichen Aktivitäten in der Region fort - mit einem Web TV-Workshop mit Vertretern verschiedener Medien und mehrerer Parteien in Kenia.

Kisumu Peace Festival 2011

From 4th – 6th August 2011

From 4th – 6th August 2011 Kisumu hosted its very first Peace Festival. The idea was to involve the whole city, to advertise peace in a big way, to organise an event which was going to be free for everybody.There had to be a way of how one could change the Kenyan people’s perception of Kisumu and break the vicious circle of “Unemployment – idleness – violence - investors leaving – more unemployment – etc.” Kisumu had to be portrayed nationwide as a peaceful city.