


Official and Black Market Exchange Rates in Syria, by Karam Shaar

An online interactive tool for tracking exchange rates in Syria

The Syrian regime has strategically manipulated the exchange rate to circumvent Western sanctions and siphon off millions of dollars from international aid to the country. This is done by forcing UN agencies to use a low exchange rate

Business Responsibility Towards the Environment and Human Rights in Syria

A study conducted by The Syrian Legal Development Programme in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office.

This study dives deep into the overlooked role of businesses, dissecting their environmental footprint and shedding light on the urgent need for sustainable practices.

Socioeconomic and Political Landscape of Lebanon

National Public Survey | November 2023

By gathering data from a representative sample of Lebanese citizens, encompassing different regions, ages, genders, educational levels, and socioeconomic backgrounds, this study offers a panoramic view of the socioeconomic situation in Lebanon.

Lebanon's Public Financial Mismanagement

Twin Deficits, Broken Budgets, Shattered Trust: Evaluating Lebanon's Public Financial Management Landscape

Modern PFM frameworks are intended to design a regulatory and institutional framework for governments to achieve a budgetary cycle that meets policy-oriented fiscal objectives and enhances transparency and accountability in the management of public finances.

Gefährlicher Scheinriese

Ein Artikel im Syrien-Dossier der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im zenith Magazin

Baschar Al-Assad hält sich auch nach 12 Jahren Bürgerkrieg immer noch an der Macht – ist Syriens Präsident als Gewinner aus dem Konflikt hervorgegangen?

Wenn Rückkehr keine Option ist

Ein Artikel im Syrien-Dossier der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im zenith Magazin

Für die Türkei, den Libanon und Jordanien ist die Flüchtlingsfrage zentral für die Ausrichtung ihrer Syrien-Politik. Doch der zentrale Stolperstein für eine Lösung ist auch der ursprüngliche Auslöser der Krise

Was in Syrien geschieht

Das Syrien-Dossier der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im zenith Magazin

Was sich in Syrien 12 Jahre nach Beginn des Konflikts verändert hat – und welche Entwicklungen das Land und die gesamte Region über die kommenden Jahre prägen werden

Food Security in Lebanon: Developments since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

By Anna Schellenberg

In June 2023, Lebanon faced the second-highest food price inflation globally, reaching a staggering 280%. This surge was part of a broader trend, as the Food Price Index skyrocketed by 304% between May 2022 and May 2023.

Gulf States’ Syria Approach: Regional Pragmatism in the Face of Global Multipolarity

While Syria’s regional isolation ended with its readmission to the Arab League, Gulf States are taking divergent paths when it comes to reestablishing ties with the Assad regime

This paper analyzes the motivations (or lack thereof) of the Gulf monarchies to normalize relations with Syria. It focuses on underlying regional and international drivers for such a step and further sheds light on the respective Gulf monarchies and their specific positions on Syria.

Towards Agricultural Sustainability and Efficiency

Gaps, Bottlenecks and Prospects