


60 Jahre deutsches Grundgesetz

Verfassungen in Westeuropa und auf dem Balkan als Grundstein für Demokratie und Rechtsstaat

Anläßlich des 60-jährigen Jubiläums der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und des deutschen Grundgesetzes hat die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Staatlichen Universität Tetovo als Gastgeber einen Workshop organisiert, an dem 80 Studenten der Politik- und Rechtswissenschaften der staatlichen und privaten Universitäten aus Tetovo und Skopje teilgenommen haben.

VII. Politische Akademie

Konservative Werte und Demokratie auf lokaler Ebene

Mazedonische Kommunalpolitiker tauschten eine Woche lang Erfahrungen mit deutschen, holländischen und serbischen Experten aus und diskutierten aktuelle Herausforderungen im Rahmen des Reformprozesses und der aktuelln Wirtschaftskrise.

Mazedonien vor den Präsidentschafts- und Kommunalwahlen

Am 22. März finden Präsidentschafts- und Kommunalwahlen in Mazedonien statt. Die Nominierung der Präsident-schaftskandidaten ist abgeschlossen und der inoffizielle Wahlkampf hat be-reits begonnen. Entscheidend für die Aufnahme von EU- Beitrittsverhandlun-gen wird ein freier und fairer Wahlver-lauf sein. Eine Lösung des Namenstrei-tes mit Griechenland ist derweil nicht in Sicht.

The Values of Political Pluralism

Politicka Misla 24

Political parties and democratic pluralism are indelible components of a modern nation state: democratic parties offer important channels between state and society to participate and to communicate, so that citizens take active part in shaping their social and political environment. But political parties also stand for particular values.

Dialogue of Religions – Dialogue of Ethnicities

“Trust” and “dialogue” are the key terms that the religious communities in the Balkans have to build on in order to strengthen their role in society. All efforts have to be made in order to build trust through dialogue among the religious communities, but also between the religious institutions and the state and society. This was the outcome of a two-day event organized by the KAS on 18-19 September in Skopje, which was attended by the Heads of the Orthodox, Islamic, Catholic, Evangelical-Methodist and the representative of the Jewish religious communities in Macedonia and representatives of the Catholic and Islamic religious communities and the new Head of the Inter-Religious Institute in Bosnia-Hercegovina, as well as by Baba Edmond Brahimaj of the Headquarters of the Bektashian community and Bishop Homeyer of Hildesheim. It was the first of its kind in such a high-ranking and international format, which led to a lively and constructive exchange of experiences in inter-religious dialogue in Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Germany, and a sharing of “lessons learnt”. At the end of the discussion it was noted that inter-religious dialogue in the Balkans has made significant progress and can pose as a model for the communication between different religious communities in other European countries as well.

International Conference on Protecting Human and Minority Rights in Europe held

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organized an International conference “Protecting Human Rights and Minority Rights in Europe” on 10 September 2008 in Skopje. The exchange of ideas and different experiences from the point of view of the Ombudsman institutions from Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro Serbia, Croatia, Romania, as well from the representavive of the German Bundestag brought the role and challenges of these human rights „defenders“ nearer to the public. During the discussion, the participants presented the best practice models of protecting human rights and the rights of the national minorities by explaining the mandate, functions and powers of Ombudsman institutions, the status of minorities in the context of international standards and EU-integration and the experiences and challenges in the defence of human rights from the cooperation with the police and armed forces. The Vice-Prime Minister for implementation of the Framework agreement, Mr. Abdilakim Ademi and the deputy minister for Labour and Social Policy in the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Spiro Ristovski elaborated the importance of protecting the human and minority rights as one the main responsibilities for a democratic and stable society. As an outcome of the conference several problems and challenges were identified by the participants: the integration of the Roma minorities in society, the need of a stronger parliament as a natural “ally” of the Ombudsman, better effort at preventing human rights violation through comprehensive training and education programs for state officials, police, but also for children and vulnerable groups, as well as the strengthening of the Ombudsman institutions themselves in the face of state authorities. The protection of the human and minority rights is a two-sided process, since the protected people learn how to trust the institutions, respect diversity and the State guarantees the safety of every citizen.

Politicka Misla Nr. 23 (Political Thought)

Protecting Human and Minority Rights in Europe

With this new issue of “Political Thought”, several of the region`s Ombudsmen present their view on the system of Human Rights and Minority Rights protection in their individual countries. Additional contributions from regional experts and decision-makers, including from Germany, point out the challenges and perspectives of protecting these rights on the background of the European integration process. Aside from highlighting similarities and common challenges, this issue underlines the continuing importance of a public debate on how to continue the promotion of the Universal declaration of Human Rights in the 21st century.

Neue Koalitionsregierung in Mazedonien

Nach nur zwei Wochen Verhandlungen hat Mazedonien eine neue Regierung. Premierminister bleibt Nikola Gruevski, der seine Partei VMRO-DPMNE bei den vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen am 1. Juni zu einem historischen Wahlsieg mit absoluter Mehrheit im Parlament geführt hatte. Regierungspartner wird die albanische DUI, mit der Gruevski über eine Zweidrittelmehrheit im Parlament verfügen wird. Der neuen Regierung stehen alte Herausforderungen bevor: die Lösung des Namensstreits mit Griechenland, die Erfüllung der EU-„Benchmarks“ zur Aufnahme der Beitrittsverhandlungen, die Konsolidierung der Wirtschaftsreformen vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden Energiepreise und Inflation, sowie die Umsetzung des Ohrid-Abkommens zur politischen und gesellschaftlichen Integration der albanischen Minderheit.

Politicka Misla Nr. 22 (Political Thought)

Expectations were high for the NATO summit in Bucharest in April 2008. The summit, hosted by one of NATO`s newest members, Romania, became the biggest in the history of the alliance. It also was symbolic for the current state NATO is in, and the various challenges it faces in its continuing transformation from the West`s main Cold War alliance to a modern defence organisation in the 21st century. In this context the Konrad Adenauer Foundation intends to focus with this issue of “Political Thought” on the aftermath of the summit and its consequences for individual countries.

Massives Polizeiaufgebot ermöglicht ruhige Nachwahlen

Am 15. Juni wurden die Nachwahlen für das mazedonische Parlament abgehalten. Nachdem der Wahlablauf am 1. Juni insbesondere in den albanisch besiedelten Gebieten des Landes von Gewalt und Einschüchterung überschattet worden war, waren am vergangenen Sonntag rund zehn Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung aufgerufen, erneut abzustimmen. Dabei ging es vor allem um die Vorherrschaft für eine der beiden großen Albanerparteien – und um das demokratische Grundverständnis Mazedoniens.