

Studia Politica vol VII, no.1

Romanian Political Science Review

Studia Politica este o publicaţie de ştiinţe politice, care este editată Institutul de Cercetări Politice şi Universitatea Bucureşti cu sprijinul Fundaţiei Konrad Adenauer – Biroul din Bucureşti. Această publicaţie abordează teme precum



DANIEL BARBU, The state vs. its Citizens. A note on Romania, Europe, and corruption


ALEXANDRA PETRESCU, La Roumanie dans les publications belges (1923-1943)

ALEXANDRU GUSSI, L’anticommunisme en Roumanie (1996-2000)

RUXANDRA IVAN, Patterns of Cooperation land Conflit : Romanian-Ukrainian Bilateral Relations


MIRUNA TĂTARU-CAZABAN, Defendre paix de la cite. Marsile d Padoue et le probleme du consentement politique au IVe siecle


MIHAELA GRANCEA, ANA DUMITRAN (coord.), Discursuri despre moarte în Transilvania secolelor XVI-XX, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, 2006 (ANDREI NICULESCU)

RICHARD STEIGMANN-GALL, The Holy Reich. Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003 (MIHAELA GHIMICI)

RADU CARP, Proiectul politic european. De la valori la acţiune comună, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, Bucureşti, 2006 (IULIANA CONOVICI)


ALEXANDRU GUSSI, L’anticommunisme en Roumanie (1996-2000)

This paper analyzes the structure and political impact of a particular anticommunist political culture characterizing the Romanian context. The first part reviews the difficulties facing the anticommunist movement during the early 90s and the role of political bond that this movement played for the civic and political actors of the CDR, i.e. the Romanian Democratic Convention. The paper continues with a review of the policies of decommunization and of open access to archives, only to conclude that their failure is the result of the fact that these policies were never regarded as a state priority.



