

"Demokratie und Rechtsstaat in Rumänien und Südosteuropa - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven"

Internationale Konferenz

Am 30 Juni und 01. Juli 2005 fand in Bukarest die Auftaktveranstaltung zum regionalen Rechtsstaatsprogramm statt.



International Conference:

Democracy and Rule of Law in Romania and SEE:

challenges and perspectives

Thursday 30th of June – Friday 1st of July


Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Hotel

Day 1 – 30th of June (Platinum Hall)

Working language: English

9:30 – 9:45Opening of Conference

Dr. Guenter Dill,

Director of Konrad Adenauer Foundation – Bucharest Office

Cora Motoc, Coordinator of Rule of Law Program, Konrad Adenauer Foundation – Bucharest Office

Opening Key Note Speeches:

9:45 – 10:15Traian Basescu, President of Romania

10:15 – 10:45 Univ.Prof. Dr. Detlef. Merten

Public Law Department of Speyer University

10:45 – 11:15Prof. Dr. Carl Otto Lenz, former Advocate General of EU Court of Justice in Luxemburg

11: 15 – 11:45Coffee Break and Press Conference (Platinum Hall)

11:45 – 14:30 Independence and Reform of Justice (plenary) – Platinum Hall

1st topic

Moderator: Univ.Prof. Dr. Detlef Merten, Public Law Department of Speyer University

Key-note speaker:

Mrs. Monica Macovei, Minister of Justice

Interventions of experts (15-20 min. each):

- Mr. Mato Tadić, president of the Constitutional Court, Bosniaand Herzegovina

- Mr. Georgi Slanchev, attorney, private law firm, Bulgaria

- Prof. Dr. Pavo Barišić, assistent of the minister of science, education and sports; president of the Croatian Paneuropean Union, Croatia

- Ms. Nada Penova, State Advisor at the Ministry of Justice in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia

- Mrs. Nevenka Mugoša – councilor in the Ministry of Justice in Montenego


14:30 – 16:00Lunch


16:00 –19:00 Minorities, freedom of expression and rule of law (Colorado Hall)

Moderator: Dr. Gabriel Andreescu, APADOR-CH

2nd and 3rd

topics (in parallel)

Key note speaker:

Mrs. Renate Weber, Presidential Counselor on Constitutional and Legislative issues, former President of Open Society Foundation

Interventions of experts (15-20 min. each):

-Mrs. Branka Raguž, Human rights Ombudsman in Fedation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

-Mrs. Jakjlin Toleva, law adwiser at the Bulgarian Parliament, Bulgaria

-Mr. David Orlović, general secretary of the Serbian National Council, Croatia

-Mr. Gordan Georgiev, Executive Director of FORUM-Center for Strategic Research and Documentation, Macedonia

-Mr. Zoran Pažin – Ground Court President in Podgorita, Montenegro

-Zorana Marković – Ministry for Human Rights and Minorities, Serbia-Montenegro


16:00 –19:00 Anti-corruption, transparency and access to information

(Florida Hall)

Moderator: Ms. Oana Zabava, Executive Director, Transparency International – Romania

Key-note speaker:

Mr. Codru Vrabie, expert,

Romanian Institute of Training

Interventions of experts (15-20 min. each):

- Mrs. Aleksandra Martinović, programme manager Transparency International - Bosnia and Herzegovina,

- Mrs. Aneta Slancheva, lawyer at the Centre for Economical Development in Sofia, Bulgaria

- Mrs. Violeta Liović, executive director of Transparency International - Croatia

- Dr. Gordan Kalajdziev, Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" in Skopje, Member of Transparency International – Macedonia

- Ms. Nemanja Nenadić, Transparency International - Serbia


17:30Coffee Break (30 minutes)

18:00 - 19:00Discussions

19.30Cocktail party (Platinum Hall)

DAY 2 – 1st of July

9.00Opening of day 2 (Platinum Hall)

Conclusions of first day panels

09.30 - 12:30Legacy of the past and prospects for the future

Moderator: Stejarel Olaru, historian

4th topicKey-note speaker 1:

Mr. Marius Oprea, historian

30 minutes

Key – note speaker 2:

Mrs. Anne de Ligne, Head of Justice and Home Affairs, Social Sector and Civil Society Section in the Delegation of the European Commission in Romania

30 minutes

Interventions of experts (15-20 min. each):

- Mr. Ahmed Žilić, international law expert, Bosnia- Herzegovina

- Mr. Grigory Konstantinov Bojadjev, jurist consultant of the Union of Democratic Forces, Bulgaria

- Dr. Igor Graovac, scientific associate at the Croatian Institute for History, Croatia

- Prof. Dr. Dimitar Mirchev, Professor at the Faculty of social sciences in Skopje, member of the management board at the Faculty of social sciences in Skopje, Macedonia

- Mrs. Vesna Rakić – Vodinelić, CUPS, Serbia-Montenegro

Total discussions/interventions/comments: 2 hours

12:30 – 13:00Summary/Closing session

Mrs. Georgiana Iorgulescu, Center for Legal Resources

Declarations/Press Statements


Departure of participants


Zum Kalender hinzufügen


Bukarest, Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Hotel


  • Traian Basescu
    • StaatspräsidentMonica Macovei
    • JustizministerinDr. Guenter Dill
    • Leiter KAS BukarestProf. Dr. Detlef Merten
    • Universität SpeyerProf. Dr. Carl Otto Lenz
    • Ehem. Generalanwalt am Europäischen Gerichtshof in Luxemburg u.a.

Dr. Günter Dill

_Demokratie und Rechtsstaat in Rumänien und Südosteuropa - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven_



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Länderbüro Rumänien