


RBZ Demonetise Zim Dollar

By Alfred Obed Rankomise

THE demonetisation of the Zimbabwe dollar will begin on June 15 and end on September 30 the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) said on Thursday.RBZ said after September 30 bank notes that would not have been exchanged shall be considered demonetised or decommissioned.In a statement, RBZ Governor John Mangudya said the process will deal with all non-loan bank accounts as a December 31, 2008 as well as cash held by the public.

Zimbabwe: Consumer Price Movements And US Dollar Values

By John Robertson

Lower gold and platinum prices affected the Balance of Trade in 2014 and total export values decreased by 12,7%, from $3,5 billion in 2013 to $3 billion in 2014. The export figures were also affected by lower cotton production and a fall in tobacco prices. The total import bill fell by 17%, from $7,7 billion in 2013 to $6,37 billion in 2014, despite Zimbabwe’s continuing reliance on food imports. This reduced the deficit from $4,2 billion in 2013 to $3,3 billion in 2014.

Progressive Reform in the New Constitution of Zimbabwe:

By Tawana H. Nyabeze

Preservative and Transformative Constitution Making Process - The aim of the Lancaster house conference was to bring to an end the armed struggle that had raged for 2 decades between the colonialist settlers and the Indigenous Zimbabwean people. The nature of the conference was largely diplomatic, at least from the Britons side to such an extent that dialogue was open between every party in the then Rhodesia which explains Ian Smith’s UDI being also present. Some of the issues discussed during the Conference included, the land issue, free and fair elections, (also available as pdf)

Prophetic Churches in Zimbabwe

The Political and Social Impact of Prophetic Churches in Zimbabwe

A casual google search of prophets in Zimbabwe reveals hundreds of thousands of articles. Several of these are newspaper articles from the past five years. Hardly a day goes by without an article about prophets and their activities being written. This paper will use the term prophet as it is widely used in Zimbabwean media, however a more biblical understanding of the term will be given in the section on Christian understandings of the prophetic phenomena today.

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