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Iranian attack on Israel

A turning point with unforeseeable consequences

On 14 April 2024, Iran directly attacked Israel militarily for the first time. This Iranian attack is a turning point in the Middle East and dominates the current international debate. While US President Joe Biden, the German government and the G7 are calling for calm and de-escalation, the reaction of the Israeli war cabinet led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is being eagerly awaited. So far, it has not been announced whether and how Israel might react to the Iranian attack.

IMAGO / Xinhua

The new government of Senegal

Between vision and reality

On March 24, 2024, Senegal elected political newcomer Bassirou Diomaye Faye as its fifth president since the country's independence with an overwhelming majority. Less than 10 days later, on April 2, 2024, he was officially sworn in and immediately began forming a government. The new president announced a "rupture" - a "radical political change". What can we expect from the new government?


Local elections in Turkey

The national surprise of a local vote

Contrary to predictions, the Turkish local elections have proved to be a success for the opposition. The largest opposition party CHP in particular emerged as the winner. While both the ruling AK Party and the opposition are still caught up in a certain disbelief about the results in the first 48 hours afterwards, the country report provides background information, summarizes the results and discusses possible consequences.

U.S. Army, Cover Images, picture alliance

“­NATO’s Essential Core Is Unconditional Reliability”

An Interview with Ambassador Géza Andreas von Geyr

In International Reports, Germany’s Ambassador to NATO, Géza Andreas von Geyr, talks about military deterrence against Russia, the possible return of Donald Trump, and steps towards stronger European pillars in the Alliance.

Juan Angel, Zuma Press, picture alliance

A Security Partnership with Substance

Colombia as a Global Partner of ­NATO

Outside the expert community, very few people in Europe are likely to know that Colombia is a global partner of NATO. In fact, the country is even something of a pioneer among NATO’s global partners and the cooperation offers concrete benefits to both sides – so concrete that the partnership seems able to withstand President Gustavo Petro’s anti-Western rhetoric.

Cüneyt Karadağ, Anadolu Agency, picture alliance

Are We Doing Enough?

German and European Contributions to ­NATO

2024 has the potential to go down in history as a fateful year for European defence. The election of the 47th US President could have a major impact on the future of NATO. However, Germany and Europe are not simply at the mercy of their fate – they have potential courses of action at their disposal. What specific steps should they take at this point?

Everett Collection, picture alliance


NATO turns 75 and an increasing number of people in Germany once again recognise the organisation for what it is: the indispensable alliance for our security. What can we do to keep the United States engaged in NATO? What role can the alliance play in the Indo-Pacific and on its southern flank? And why is its partnership policy with countries from Asia to Latin America so important? Read this issue of International Reports to find out!

NATO, Abaca Press, picture alliance

Family Reunion

­NATO and Australia

Nobody in Canberra wants or expects Article 5-style security guarantees from NATO. However, located in a region faced with China’s increasing expansionism, Australia could greatly benefit from a closer partnership because alliances are what China fears most.

Geert Vanden Wijngaert, AP, picture alliance

Gradually, Then Suddenly

Assessing Washington’s Commitments to Europe in a Pre-war World

The international security setting has changed dramatically in recent decades. So has American politics. From isolationists to progressives, foreign policy ideologues are offering old wine in new bottles to an American people on the search for answers. It is an open question if these ideas will triumph. Specifically, the sharpest test for US policy toward Europe will be in defining Ukraine’s relationship with NATO.


40 Jahre Auslandsinformationen

40 Jahre Auslandsinformationen, das heißt 40 Jahre Beiträge zur Information und Meinungsbildung zu relevanten Fragen der internationalen Politik. Das Magazin informiert aus erster Hand die interessierte Öffentlichkeit und Entscheidungsträger aus dem Deutschen Bundestag gleichermaßen. Dabei sind stets auch Länder und Regionen im Blickfeld, die nicht tagtäglich die politische Debatte hierzulande bestimmen. Mit Mut zur anspruchsvollen Analyse und konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen liefern die Auslandsinformationen einen wichtigen Diskussionsbeitrag, weiten den Blickwinkel und regen zum Nachdenken an. Damit tragen sie seit 40 Jahren zu einer fundierten außenpolitischen Debatte bei und liefern damit wichtige Impulse zur Gestaltung der deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik.

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