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The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in figures 2023

figures I data I pictograms

We present interesting facts about the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in the current issue of the publication " Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Zahlen 2023 ". Are you interested in the current thematic focuses and research content of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung? Would you like to know more about our recent publications and events? We give you an insight into the number of scholarship holders we support and the digitisation of our archive material or an overview of the KAS Fellows of past years. We show you our KAS Awards and a selection of our podcasts. Read more about our magazines and the development of our social media channels.

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Read and browse through a graphical representation of our activities over the past few months.


2-4 Core topics of the KAS
5-8 Cafe Kiew, KAS Day and other event highlights
9-11 Division Analysis and Consulting
12-13 Division Scholarships and Culture
14-15 Division European and International Cooperation
16-18 Division Civic Education

Research Services / Archive of Christian-Democratic


21 KAS-Fellowship

KAS Awards

24-25 KAS magazines
26-29 Podcast, social media and other press activities
30-33 Administration department
34 The Friends of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
35 Imprint


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Uta Hellweg

Uta Hellweg bild

Leiterin Interne Kommunikation und Netzwerke +49 30 26996-3601


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