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Event Reports

Inauguration of Adenauer-Room

In the European Humanities University (EHU) in Vilnius the Konrad-Adenauer-Room was inaugurated

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For almost 10 years Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) has been cooperating with the European Humanities University (EHU).

During this time KAS Belarus Office and EHU implemented many successful projects together: conferences, workshops, seminars, and publications.

Currently five EHU students receive Sur-Place Scholarship which is offered by KAS since 2016. All together 11 students from EHU received KAS grants.

Marking this long lasting cooperation between Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the European Humanities University the very first room in a university named after great European and first German Chancellor after the Second World War, Konrad Adenauer, was opened on December 18, 2018.

Konrad Adenauer has left his legacy for many generations. He is an inspiration not only for the Foundation named after him, but also for many European politicians, leaders, academics and students.

Individuals matter as we see in the case of Konrad Adenauer. With the Adenauer room at EHU KAS would like to keep his legacy present. With it we hope to give inspiration to the students of this university. In the room one can find books about the politician and the person Konrad Adenauer. Also it is possible to find audio recordings of his speeches that might be beneficial for the learning processes in this distinguished Alma Mater. Moreover, the room is equipped with pictures, showing the highlights of Adenauer’s life.

We hope that this room will not only serve as a place, where lectures are held, but also will be a spot, where teachers, students, members of the academic society can get together, read and discuss. We hope that the legacy of Konrad Adenauer, pictured in this room, will be an inspiration for all to follow their professional path, to develop and to take over responsibility for a peaceful, cooperative, successful and united Europe.

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