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Gedenken an die Flucht von Wismar nach Shanghai 1939

Stolpersteinverlegung für drei Mitglieder der jüdischen Familie Kohn in Wismar


Unternehmen in Zeiten des Klimawandels

Workshop zu Unternehmensstrategien im Klimawandel

Zusammen mit der Shanghaier Umweltorganisation „Business Ecology“ führte das KAS-Büro Shanghai am 19. Mai 2022 einen Online-Workshop zum Thema „How to Build Corporate Strategy and Take Actions towards Climate Change?“ durch.

Expert conference

Internationale Kooperation im Bereich Künstlicher Intelligenz

Die vierte AECAIR-Konferenz

Am 17. Dezember 2021 organisierten das KAS-Büro Shanghai und das Intellisia Institute gemeinsam die vierte AECAIR International Conference in Guangzhou über „Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence with a focus on Europe and China“.


Deutsch-Chinesische Beziehungen nach der Bundestagswahl

das Chinesisch-deutsche Forum

Am 24. September 2021 organisierten das KAS-Büro Shanghai und das Deutschlandforschungszentrum der Tongji-Universität eine gemeinsame Tagung zum Thema „Deutsch-Chinesische Beziehungen nach der Bundestagswahl“.


Nachhaltigkeit als Wettbewerbsvorteil für Unternehmen

More than a Market

Zusammen mit der Shanghaier Umweltorganisation „Business Ecology“ und der AHK Shanghai führte das KAS-Büro Shanghai am 16. September 2021 einen Workshop zum Thema „Make Environmental Protection Your Competitive Advantage“ durch.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Workshop zu Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft

Workshop in Xiamen

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Auslandsbüro Shanghai bringt Expertinnen und Experten der Kreislaufwirtschaft in Xiamen zusammen.

Expert conference

Wasser - ein elementares Wirtschafts- und Kulturgut

Ein Blick auf die kommenden Risiken der Lebensresource Wasser

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung China Shanghai und Oriental Danology Institute (ODI) aus Shanghai veranstalteten den siebten Wasser Gipfel.


Framing the future of AI: Policy Dilemmas and Solutions

AECAIR Veranstaltung


Inclusion Workshop

CSR Cases

Asset Publisher

China and Chinese Media in the World

Workshop with the School of Journalism, Cologne

For the 5th time, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Shanghai, together with the Cologne School of Journalism organized a workshop on the topic “China and Chinese Media in the World”.

Innovation in Germany and China

Industry 4.0, E-Commerce und Social Entrepreneurship

On May 8 2015 KAS Shanghai organized a half-day workshop on Innovation in Germany and China. participants were the awardees of the KAS-SUIBE Scholarship Program.

CSR Learning Day

Workshop on Management of CSR Projects

Together with the Magazine 'Business Ecology', the XJL-University Suzhou and the CSR Alliance of Suzhou Industrial Park, KAS Shanghai organized a “CSR Learning Day” to discuss new ways of successfully implementing CSR programs.

Cities as Actors in EU-Asia Cooperation

International Workshop on Europe-China Relations in Global Politics

Along with the UACES network for China-EU relations, KAS Shanghai organised an international workshop, tackling the topic of “Cities as acteurs in EU-Asia cooperation”. Young researchers and professionals discussed in this context the opportunities and challenges for cities, that result from their increasing significance as centers for innovation and sustainable development.

Groningen (NL) – Oldenburg (D) Twin City Portrait: Urban Innovation Partnership in the European Union

Am 29. Januar 2015 nahm die Veranstaltungsreihe „Groningen-Oldenburg: Urban Innovations“ ihren Auftakt. Sie fand im Rahmen der Serie Urban Innovations, eine Initiative des European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong, statt. Die bereits im Herbst 2014 begonnene Veranstaltungsreihe behandelt aktuelle Entwicklungen von sieben europäischen Städten in den Bereichen Stadtentwicklung, urbane Problemlösung und europaweite Kooperation.

Hannah Arendt: Reflections on modern society

A workshop with Chinese and German experts

On January 21st, 2015, KAS Shanghai hosted a workshop on the occasion of the translation of "Arendt Handbook" into Chinese. Experts from Germany, China and Taiwan discussed the relevance of Hannah Arendt in modern China and Europe.

Modern Leadership: From Self to Society

Workshop with Students of the KAS-SUIBE Scholarship Program 2014/2015

Scholarship students from KAS Shanghai partner Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) had the opportunity to participate in this three-day workshop, receiving professional training in personal development techniques and finally develop their own understanding of contributing responsibly to the society.

Perspectives for China's Economic Reforms

Shanghai Free-Trade Zone as a Role Model?

On December 19th, 2014, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Shanghai organized a field trip for their 2014/2015 scholarship recipients to the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone (SFZ). Led by the question: „Perspectives for China’s Economic Growth: Shanghai Free Trade Zone as a Role Model?“, the scholarship students from KAS partner Shanghai University for International Business and Economics (SUIBE) visited the SFZ’s administration as well as both a German and a Chinese company.

EU-China comprehensive strategic partnership

Am 10. Dezember 2014 fand die Konferenz „EU-China comprehensive strategic partnership“ in der Dialogreihe zu den EU-China Beziehungen auf Einladung der KAS Peking in Hongkong statt.

Global Fiscal and Monetary Policy Outlook

Key Challenges for Emerging and Matured Economies

On December 6th, 2014, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Shanghai organized an international conference on „Global Fiscal Monetary Policy Outlook: Key Challenges for Emerging and Matured Economies”. The conference was planned and executed in cooperation with KAS Shanghai’s close partner, the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE). Experts from academia and praxis discussed ways and means to sustain public finance and derived perspectives for a global financial architecture.