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Book presentation

Circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean: A shared vision

Document release

On February 24th, the Latin American and Caribbean Circular Economy Coalition will launch a vision of what a circular economy should look like in the region.

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Circular economy LAC

The document will present a vision that can create alignment and cooperation between countries for a common sustainable path
and intends to guide future projects related to the circular economy. Three aspects stand out:

● Latin America and the Caribbean need a circular economy developed by and for the region and adapted to its
features and challenges to drive a resilient recovery.
● A circular economy is an opportunity for the region to position itself as a key player and become a
leader in the global transition to a low-carbon economy aligned with the SDGs.
● It is time to bring this vision of a circular economy to life. All actors have a role to play.
The next era of development must move away from linear and extractive economic models that have caused a
massive environmental degradation, focus on being inclusive for the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean and take advantage of
unique characteristics and cultures of the region.

The event will take place at 9 am (GMT-5), virtually, and will include the participation of representatives of the Strategic Partners of the Coalition and members of the Steering Committee.

Broadcast in Spanish, with translations available into English and Portuguese.

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Aracelli Ramos