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In order to attain its goals, KAF collaborates closely with various local partners who share the same philosophy and objectives as the Foundation. Instruments are educational events & programmes, conferences, seminars, workshops etc. These activities take place in all regions of Ghana.
National House of Chiefs (NHC)

The National House of Chiefs has members from each of the Regional Houses of Chiefs. The NHC advises and interprets the customary laws of the land and settles disputes on matters affecting chieftaincy. It is further mandated to “undertake progressive study, interpretation, codification of the customary laws, in a view to evolving in appropriate cases, a unified system of customary laws”. The partnership between the NHC and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation was established in 1994 with the common objective of promoting the rule of law, Good Governance and democracy. First activities were focussed on facilitating an active role for chiefs in Ghana’s decentralisation process. Since 1998 the focus has been on facilitating effective collaboration between the executive, parliament and NHC in the form of tripartite meetings. An extensive codification exercise of the lines of succession to stools/skins in all the 192 officially recognized traditional areas in Ghana is also supported. When completed, the codified lines of succession will be passed into a national law.
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Tamale Ecclesiastical Provinical Pastoral Centre (TEPPCON)

Together with TEPPCON, the Pastoral Centre of the Catholic Church in Tamale (Northern Ghana) KAS is organizing civic education programmes for women and youth, e. g. concerning national and district level elections. Another goal of the collaboration is to establish a development dialogue among political parties, executive, legislative and traditional authorities and religious bodies ("Northern Think Tank").
Christian Mothers' Association (CMA)

The Christian Mothers' Association (CMA) Ghana, a national women Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) established by some Nuns and highly spirited women in the Catholic Church in the early 40s of the last century, has the vision to offer a holistic ministry to the women, thereby making them well-organised, self-reliant, self-sustaining, able to support the family up-keep, and more importantly to know their civic rights and responsibilities and being part of decision making at all levels.CMA operates in 17 out of the 18 Dioceses in Ghana and has a current active membership of over 35,000 women.As a broad-based democratic organisation, CMA operates within the confines of its constitution, where they use the bottom-top approach in decision making. The core activities include the provision of civic, health, formal and non formal education and teaching of social and moral values, and also supporting the income generating activities of women.For the last decade, CMA has undertaken many development projects in the areas of poverty reduction, entrepreneurship, micro-finance and spearheading environmental and societal issues, and also raising leaders to take part in Ghana's decentralisation process.CMA started its collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in 1966. Since then, a stable and lasting partnership was established. The current priority of this co-operation is a Civic Education Programme aimed at supporting women coming from all classes of society. This programme helps women to influence policies by attaining leadership roles and policy making positions.
Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA)

Together with the Ghana Union of Traders Association, KAS is supporting district level elections, trying to improve the social accountability of traders, working on resource mobilization and disbursement at the district levels and business association engagement with the district assemblies.
Young Democratic Union of Africa (YDUA)

YDUA is the youth wing of the African Democratic Union. It promotes and gathers young politicians of parties from the centre-right spectrum.
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