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Event Reports

5th Greek-German Assembly

by Iakovos Dimitriou

KAS Workshop: "Starting Up with the local government"

Representatives and experts on topics of entrepreneurship from Greece and Germany get to exchange knowledge on best practices and ways of evolving local entrepreneurship.

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The fifth Greek-German Assembly (DGV V) took place between 4th and 6th of November. Experts on local administration, mayors, as well as multiplies met for three days in the local parliament of Berlin under the motto "The Local Administration brings down the Wall of Crisis". The target of the Assembly was the exchange of know-how in a local level amongst participants form Greece and Germany.

Konrad-Adenauer Foundation organized within the context of the Assembly a Workshop on the subject: "Starting Up with the local government". The main presentations were followed by a lively discussion, in which participated representatives from Start-Ups, mayors, active in the topic of entrepreneurship, as well as experts from local municipalities of Greece and Germany.

Susanna Vogt, Head of the KAS Greece office, opened the workshop with a welcoming speech. She was followed by Demetrios Pogkas, independent journalist who specializes on the topic of the Greek Star Ups, who presented the general frame of the Greek ecosystem and moderated the discussion which emerged after the concluding remarks. He was followed by Angela Gaitani, Project Manager of Athens Development & Destination Marketing Agency (ADDMA), who presented projects that are undertaken from ADDMA as well as opportunities of co-operation which could rise between their office and smaller municipalities. The round of the presentations was concluded with the one held by Karsten Schaal, Founder and CEO of as well as local representative of the Federal state of Saxony for the German Startups Association. Schaal presented the ways Star Ups are supported and promoted in the eastern regions of Germany and emphasized the role that Start Ups play for the economic development of smaller municipalities.

The presentations were followed by a lively discussion, in which experts of local administrations, mayors and experts on the topic of Star Ups exchanged opinions and ideas on best practices and ways to overcome regional problems.

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Iakovos Dimitriou

Iakovos Dimitriou bild

Project Manager / Research Associate +30 210 7247 126 +30 210 7247 153
Deutsch - Griechische Versammlung Logo KAS Athen


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