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Event Reports

Social Market Economy: The Labor Market

by Martha Kontodaimon
A seminar on the Social Market Economy model and its effect on the structure of the labor market.

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The circle of knowledge on the theory of the Social Market Economy is continued with its second seminar focusing on the Labor Market, which took place in Vravrona from 9-12 July 2015. The main purpose of the seminar was to build on the knowledge provided on the model from the past two introductory seminars. The participants were to receive additional information on how the labor market is structured within the model and how and by how far do institutions matter in the re-structuring of economies. On a second base it enabled vivid discussions between young Greeks with German scholars and experts on issues of the labor market and institutional transitions.

Day One

Through the first session of the seminar Martha Kontodaimon, Research Associate of KAS Athens, recapitulated the basic principles of the theory of Ordoliberalism and the model of the Social Market Economy. The day continued with the session of Prof. Dr. Lothar Funk, Faculty of Business Studies University of Düsseldorf, on the European Labor Market and the relevant discussion.

Day Two

The second day focused more on the types of employment and unemployment within the EU presented by Prof. Dr. Lothar Funk, as well as with vibrant discussions on the contemporary developments in Europe and Greece. Group presentations evolved from the procedure and they focused on contemporary news as well as their evaluation from the Social Market Economy perspective. The day concluded by collecting the basic arguments and discussion points raised.

Day Three

The third day started with Helena Helfer, Münster School of Business and Economics, who focused on the definitions of institutions and their possible ways of evolution. Demetrios Pogkas, Journalist, Giannis Stefanidis, Co-founder & Business Development at, and Haris Stratigis, Chairman at Electric Engineering Students European Association Local Committee Athens, followed with a session on the mapping and definition of the Greek contemporary entrepreneurial scene. The day concluded with the theoretical presentation on the means and ways an institution can be transferred or develop in an economy and society in evolution.

Day Four

The last day of the seminar opened with a presentation by Helena Helfer on the role of formal and informal institutions to affect and influence the transition from one economic and social order to a new one. The session was followed by group work and presentations on the possibilities and ways that certain greek organisations or institutions may be altered by individual behaviour. The day was concluded with an interactive game on the labor market and a feedback discussion on the topics learned throughout the seminar.

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Martha Kontodaimon

Martha Kontodaimon bild

Project Manager - Research Associate +30 210 7247 126
Event Reports
May 22, 2015
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Event Reports
March 10, 2015
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Event Reports
May 22, 2015
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Social Market Economy Greek Logo - KAS Athen IN8 / KAS Athen


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