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Greek-German Relations in the Field of Green Energy

This essay examines Greek-German cooperation in the field of green energy.

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This essay examines Greek-German cooperation in the field of green energy. But it does not consider this cooperation as a new tendency. On the contrary, it journeys back to developments of the previous decade and shows that Greece and Germany have systematically elaborated on joint plans, either bilaterally or under the EU umbrella. In so doing, the analysis uses practical examples at the political and business level that have already yielded results and can multiply in the era of energy transition. It demonstrates that Greek-German green energy synergies are of spill-over nature creating a multifaceted momentum of collaboration in Greece and beyond, from RES to waste management, the agri-food sector and innovation projects. The essay concludes that the COVID-19 pandemic has not affected the relevant Greek-German strategies but has accelerated the process of coordination on a spirit of common European purposes towards sustainable development and economic recovery.





*Dr George N. Tzogopoulos is Researcher at Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Convener at Israel-Hellenic Forum,
Senior Fellow at CIFE - Centre international de formation européenne, Lecturer at Democritus University of Thrace

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