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Athens SIM

Economic Simulation Challenge

KAS Greece is organizing "Athens SIM" on the Social Market Economy in cooperation with a team from the University of Freiburg

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What is Athens SIM?

Athens SIM is a large-scale real-life social simulation for didactic purposes.

What is the main goal? To have lots of fun and learn about the Social Market Economy!

It is a social experiment: You, together with other participants, will form communities and will enjoy the opportunity of creating your own society, with your own rules, your own political system, your own economic system…what could go wrong?

Games: In this simulation you will produce, build infrastructure, do research, buy and sell products, get rich or poor, and even go to the space! All by playing fun and stimulating games the team of the University of Freiburg has designed especially for you.

Large-scale? Round about 40 participants

Real-life? This is not computer-based, participants interact with each other physically, not with their screens!

Didactic? You will go home having learned useful things about the Social Market Economy!

No role-playing: You will not have to follow a given role in this simulation; you will choose your own goals and motivations!

Athens SIM is part of the cycle of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on the Social Market Economy.

This means that during the simulation you will learn important lessons about what are the key elements of the Social Market Economy and which type of problems it might be able to solve.

If you are interested to participate in the simulation please send a short mail to

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The Cube Athens
10677 Athens
Zur Webseite



Athens SIM
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Martha Kontodaimon

Martha Kontodaimon bild

Project Manager - Research Associate +30 210 7247 126
Social Market Economy Greek Logo - KAS Athen IN8 / KAS Athen

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