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Third KAS Political Academy in Cyprus

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung welcomes applications for the third round of its Political Academy in Cyprus, which will take place from 23 to 25 November 2018 in Limassol with the support of the Glafkos Clerides Institute and NEDISY.

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The KAS Political Academy offers skills development for young people who already are or want to be involved in student, youth, and local politics, as well as the civil society. Through the Political Academy the participants will have the chance to get a broader understanding about the complex political, social and economic environment of Cyprus and the EU, and get familiar with the values of the European centre-right. The objective of the Political Academy is to provide the participants with knowledge and technical expertise in order to enhance their ability to shape their political argumentation.

For those interested, the KAS Political Academy offers a unique opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills through the interaction with academics, experts and political actors. Certificates of participation will be awarded.

The Call is open to applicants up to 35 years old from Cyprus, with a very good command of English and Greek, active involvement in political affairs and/or the civil society, as well as a keen interest in European and Cyprus politics.

In order to apply please fill in the relevant application form and send it by Monday, 5 November 2018 to the following email address: For more information, please send your queries to the same email address.

Find more information on the Athens Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and its activities on our website.

The second KAS Political Academy in Cyprus is organized with the support of the Glafkos Clerides Institute and the youth organization NEDISY.

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Henri Bohnet

Henri Bohnet bild

Policy Advisor for Media / Political Parties / Digital and for Southern Africa +49 30 26996-3289

Jeroen Kohls

Jeroen Kohls bild

Senior Research Associate +81 3 6426 5041
political academy cyprus

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Glafkos Clerides Institute