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Social Market Economy

Bridging Economy and Society

An economic theory seminar by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Greece

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The purpose of the seminar is to present an interesting alternative to other economic models to Greek students and young professionals.


The participants will learn through lectures, experts' discussions and interactive exersises how this model helped a country to recuperate after a devastating economic collapse, why it is the drive of the EU and what are the benefits for Greece from it in todays' interconnected world.


The seminar will be conducted in English, and the participants are expected to pose questions, express their critique and discuss the presented model through their understanding.


For Registration please contact per e-mail Martha Kontodaimon, KAS Greece and Cyprus.


The deadline for full application submitions is June 27th 2021.


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Social Market Economy: Bridging Economy and Society
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Martha Kontodaimon

Martha Kontodaimon bild

Project Manager - Research Associate +30 210 7247 126

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher