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Event Reports

Opportunities for digitalization in politics and business in the times of Covid-19

by Martha Kontodaimon

Online Discussion

A discussion in the context of the Thessaloniki International Fair

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The Panel

What is the stage of the digital transformation in our country? Did the coronavirus act as a factor in accelerating digitization? What were the shortcomings in the digitalization of companies that emerged during the pandemic? These questions were answered by the speakers of the event for the new digitalization opportunities.

All speakers agreed that the COVID-19 pandemic crisis brought digitalization to the forefront. The pandemic demonstrated the need to accelerate the digital transformation for the state, politics, business, education and created services overnight. At the same time, however, it highlighted shortcomings, which politics and businessess try to cover at a time when the course of digital transformation is on a dynamic course.

The Video statements of the greek Minister of Digital Governance, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, and the State Minister for Digital Affairs in the Federal Chancellery of Germany, Dorothee Bär, conlcuded the event.


The videos of the discussion may be found in the following link for Greek and for German.

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Martha Kontodaimon

Martha Kontodaimon bild

Project Manager - Research Associate +30 210 7247 126


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