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wikimedia/ Government of India

India's G20 Presidency 

Hugs and a voice for all

On 9 and 10 September, the G20 summit will take place in New Delhi. But what are the prospects for concrete substantive breakthroughs on key issues such as the reform processes of multilateral organisations? And how can India's G20 presidency be assessed in times of deeply divided G20 member states? The following country report explores these questions and also sheds light on the extent to which Prime Minister Modi's government has seamlessly linked the foreign policy agenda of the G20 with its domestic political ambitions.

Pixabay / dMz

The world's most populous country

Blessing or curse?

According to the latest UN report entitled "8 Billion People, Infinite opportunities", which was published in April 2023, India is now the most most populous country in the world. It has surpassed its geopolitical rival China, whose population in 2022 declined for the first time in six decades, with a birth rate of only 1.24 children per woman. The average Indian is now is now about 10 years younger than his Chinese counterpart. But what are the consequences and implications of India's population increase? Are these effects bound to national borders or do they have international implications? Can we speak of a demographic dividend or rather of a demographic crisis? And what impact does the demographic trend have on the country's rapid economic growth?

Call for Proposals (6. September 2023)

Publication on the strategic shift in economy, military and foreign policy

The India Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for a publication on the hitherto under-explored topic of "The strategic shift in economy, military and foreign policy with regard to Indian policymaking after the watershed moment of the Russian invasion of Ukraine." Proposals are accepted until the 6th of September 2023.


It's boiling in the Himalayas

Germany's turnaround must now lead to enhanced security cooperation with India

A battle between the world's two most populous states is looming on the border between India and China: at the end of 2022, a violent confrontation once again occurred between the two nuclear powers. The consequences of this conflict could be more far-reaching than German politicians have suspected so far. In any case, Germany started late in considering the Indo-Pacific as a security-relevant region. But instead of now consistently applying the conclusions of the turn of the times to India - especially against the backdrop of the Ukraine war - it remains mostly with declarations of friendship.

Pexels / Maahid Mohamed

Further rise of regional parties in India?

What role do India's regional parties play in the run-up to India's 2024 general elections?

Since the 1990s, the number of Indian regional parties has steadily increased.

Indien and the „Russian arms question“

Other countries see arms exports as a strategic instrument. Germany should do the same.

Armaments cooperation with the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation has formed the basis of India's security policy since the country's independence. The friendship of both states is first of all a deep dependence of New Delhi on Moscow. A dependency from which the Indian government wants and needs to break free, since the decline of the second largest arms exporter is shifting the strategic tectonics in large parts of the global South.

Adobe Stock / Sanjiv

Why development policy dialogue must be more than a one-way street

Lessons from India's G20 presidency

In the currently challenging times, two glaring mistakes are being made in Europe: We mentally divide the world into categories of the past and still do not correctly assess the importance of emerging regions such as India. On the other hand, the donor countries conduct the development policy dialogue as a one-way street – and we can no longer afford that.


A year before the general elections in India

Rebirth of the opposition or another term for Modi?

The final countdown is on, with Indian general elections due from May to June 2024. Nothing new for the world's largest democracy, which finds itself in perpetual election mode. In the same year, ten more regional elections will be held in addition to the Lok Sabha elections. Will the man of the last two general elections, Narendra Modi, and his BJP continue to ride the wave of success? Or is the time ripe for a renaissance of the grand old Congress Party and its opposition allies? Also, why has the face of the Congress party and the BJP opposition en large, Rahul Gandhi, lost his parliamentary seat in the wake of a recent court ruling? These are all probing questions for the worlds largest democracy explored in this country report, providing a deep dive into the hearts and minds of the 1 billion eligible Indian voters and their political representatives.

Energiewende in Indien

Das Ende einer kohlebetriebenen Republik?

Die Regierung Modi hat spätestens seit der COP26 in Glasgow weitreichende Ziele für eine umfassende Energiewende formuliert. Unter anderem will Indien in nur acht Jahren ein komplettes zweites Stromnetz aus ausschließlich erneuerbaren Energien errichten. Doch welchen Herausforderungen muss sich das Land auf seinem Weg in eine grünere Zukunft gegenwärtig stellen und welche Kooperationsmöglichkeiten bieten sich zwischen Neu-Delhi und dem Westen auf diesem Gebiet? Der vorliegende Länderbericht geht diesen drängenden Fragen nach und beleuchtet den aktuellen Status der indischen Energiewende.

Conflict Weekly #154, 15 December 2022, Vol.3, No.37

An initiative by NIAS-IPRI and KAS-India Office

The UK: Conservative party put to test as worker strikes continue