Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft als guter Ratgeber im Krisenmanagement der Bundesregierung - Länderbericht Indien

Berichte von Auslandsmitarbeitern der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zu den Massnahmenpaketen der jeweiligen Regierungen in der Finanzmarktkrise (Indien: Seite 8 f.).

Terroranschlag in Mumbai

Eine erste Einschätzung

Der „Angriff auf Mumbai“ und „India’s 9/11“ wie die indischen Medien den blutigen Anschlag von vergangener Nacht bezeichnen, stellt nach Auffassung vieler Inder den schwerwiegendsten Terrorakt seit der Unabhängigkeit dar, vergleichbar nur mit der Zerstörung des World Trade Centers in New York am 11. September 2001. Indien steht unter einem tiefgreifenden Schock, verbunden mit dem Gefühl einer zunehmenden allgemeinen Unsicherheit, Verwundbarkeit und Bedrohung.

Celebrating 25 years - Joint Staff Development Programme

KAS-JSDP Partner Network Contributing to National Development

The belief in partnership is one of the fundamental principles of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). So it is for our partners. This common ground led to, 25 years ago, the birth of what was to become the KAS-JSDP Partner Network in India. The underlying idea was that the directors and staff of the KAS partners should come together for annual meetings in order to exchange experiences, to learn from each other and to take up issues of common interest. The JSDP meetings soon developed not only into a platform for interaction and network building but also strengthened the unifying ties of different institutions and highlighted what they have in common.In this way the Joint Staff Development Programme (JSDP) evolved into a unique group of like-minded institutions, which is without precedent in India. All have been partners of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - in the past or at present. All are NGOs, all are involved in developmental activities, all are training-oriented and almost all are active on the ground. The JSDP partners are located in different geographical areas. Their activities cover all regions of India.The content of this booklet presents a wide overview of the many achievements of our JSDP partners as well as the spirit that guides their performances. The JSDP Partner Network sets an example of the vivid and strong Indian civil society and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is proud to be associated with it. Both have drawn strength from each other. The uniting bonds of our engagement have been based on democratic values and on the belief of social and economic development.

The Issue of Values in International Relations

A Lecture in India by Prof. Dr. Beate Neuss, Deputy Chairperson, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Proceedings of a KAS/FIGS - Round Table

The Rise of Asia and Emerging Challenges

Views from India, China and Germany

Edited by Dipankar Banerjee and Jabin T. Jaboc

SAARC - Towards Greater Connectivity

Edited by Dipankar Banerjee and N. Manoharan

Energy, Climate and Security: The Inter-linkages

Proceedings of the 2nd TERI-KAS Conference

Edited by Devika Sharma and Ligia Noronha

The Rule of Law and the Indian Legal System

An Introduction

A joint Curriculum Project of the KAS-JSDP Partner Network authored by Prof. (Dr.) N.R. Madhava Menon

Newsletter Indien 1/2008

Im Jahr 2008 feiert das Auslandsbüro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Neu Delhi sein vierzigjähriges Bestehen. Grund genug Sie von jetzt an halbjährlich über unsere Arbeit in Indien und Südasien zu informieren. In der ersten Ausgabe unseres neuen Newsletters berichten wir über 40 Jahre entwicklungspolitischer Zusammenarbeit der KAS mit Indien. Außerdem geben wir Ihnen einen Einblick in die vielfältigen Aktivitäten der letzten Monate.

Togetherness in Diversity

A Hindu-Christian Dialogue in India

This booklet, based on a series of dialogues in different parts of the subcontinent, addresses itself to the relations between Hindus and Christians, a majority community and a small, but significant minority.