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Single title

Implementasi Otonomi Khusus Papua Pasca Putusan MK

(in Bahasa Indonesia)

Volume 2 of the series "Studies of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia" (MKRI), written bei members of the Research and Studies Center of the MKRI unter the guidance of Winarno Yudho.

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On January 01 2001 the region of West-Papua has received a new autonomy status. The book explains and discusses the decision of the constitutional court which was strongly criticised, above all, in the affected provinces.

KAS and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) have been working together scientifically since 2003 already. The cooperation focuses on constitutional law research of cases before the court. In the framework of this research series MKRI and KAS will publish from time to time relevant and interesting analyses done by the academic staff of the MKRI.

Excerpts from the Contents:

- Introduction

- History and Regulations

- The verdict of the Indonesian Constitutional Court and its implications

- Conclusions

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