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Single title

Water Supply and Water Management

(in Indonesian language)

Volume 4 of a series of six guidebooks for councilors of provincial, district and city parliaments

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The decentralization policy equips municipal councils and provincial parliaments in Indonesia with new possibilities, rights and duties to tackle local problems more autonomously. The purpose of this book series is to provide basic knowledge about sustainable city development as well as to inform about the causes and consequences of urban problems and to introduce countermeasures and alternative options at the local level.

Through solving local problems the municipal councils are supposed to substantially support the policy of decentralization and the democratic process. When, however, approximately 70 percent of the members of the municipal parliaments were not re-elected and exchanged at the elections in 2004, the mistrust and the discontent of the public with the local parliamentary performance became obvious. Hence, the qualification, consultation and education of the local politicians have become necessary to support the reform process.

The cooperation between the Indonesian Municipal Councils’ Association, the environmental program ProLH of GTZ Indonesia and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation reflects both many years of expertise and the practical project experiences at the local level. Based on such synergy effects these manuals are characterized by their user-friendliness and practical applicability. Referring to sustainable city development under special consideration of environmental matters, the core tasks and the role of the local parliaments (DRP-D) are presented and analyzed.

The increasing urbanization offers many new possibilities and perspectives to the people, but it also involves dangers and risks for the environment, the ecological system and the living space. Subjects like water or air pollution which are of less interest in the national context affect the people at the local level especially. The need for action is eminent.


The contributions of this series serve the education and the awareness-building not only of the local parliamentarians but also of the general public. The analysis of daily problems as well as practically oriented solution models and alternative measures are provided at the same time.

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation supports the reform and transformation process of Indonesia by political consultation and educational measures to assist the sustainable development and stabilization of democracy. These publications are the follow-up of the first series with four volumes about the basic tasks of local parliamentarians which was published in 2004 and has received positive reactions from parliamentarians and local players. In this edition of the guidebooks subjects are discussed that take the specific needs of local actors further into consideration and give a practically oriented perspective.

Excerpts from the contents of the fourth volume:

  • Introduction

  • Initial Situation and Current Problems

  • Approaches and Models

  • Legal Framework

  • Environmental Management

  • The Role of the DPR-D

  • Conclusion

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