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A Portrait of Contemporary Indonesian Islam

Remapping and Responding to the Worldwide Social Agenda


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Islam in Indonesia did not generally clash with Western modernity as introduced through colonialism from the 17th to the 20th century. Consequently, patterns of Islam in Indonesia are quite different from other areas.

Since the 2004 vote, Indonesia is the only Muslim country in the world that has carried out a direct presidential election. The country, therefore, can be regarded as a champion of democracy - or at least democratic transition - for Muslim nations, although this must still be tested by the passage of time. It is natural that the West has viewed Indonesian Islam, at least before the Bali bombing, as being "Islam with a new face". In 1996, international media called Islam in Indonesia modernist, progressive and a friend of the West and other cultures and perceived it as an example of successful harmony between Muslims and modernity.

As a result, Indonesia can probably reposition its role in the international world and become a pioneer and activist in the reconstruction of Islam, in line with the aims of the worldwide social agenda: democracy and human rights. This means that Indonesia can return to playing a significant role in the Islamic world, the United Nations and Asia, since experiencing a decline post Sukarno.

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Prof. Dr. Azyumardi AzraProf. Dr. Komaruddin HidayatProf. Dr. Martin van BruinessenDr. André FeillardDr. Iik Arifin MansurnoorDr. Daniel Sparinggaand others

Dr. Norbert Eschborn


Designated Head KAS Croatia-Slovenia