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UN Photo / Loey Felipe / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

European and International Affairs

European and International Affairs

Transatlantic Partnership, European Unification, Liberal World Order


The unity of Europe was a dream of a few. It became the hope of many. Today, it is a necessity for all of us. It is [...] necessary for our security, our peace, our existence as a nation and as an intellectually creative international community.

Konrad Adenauer, 1954

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At a glance

  • As a European foundation, we promote understanding between EU Member States, reject nationalist and populist tendencies and actively counter them.
  • The aim of our work is to strengthen the transatlantic partnership and the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy as a cornerstone of our security.
  • We bring innovative practices from abroad to Germany. After all, we are convinced that our western democracies can only preserve their economic and political competitiveness against autocratic states through innovation.
  • A focus of our work abroad lies in strengthening and networking partner parties, their young talent and selected civil society actors. The goal is to promote democratic developments and stabilise fragile democratic systems.



1. We bring european and international issues to the general public

2. Security is becoming more multifaceted and increasingly complex

3. Innovations determine competitiveness

4. Functioning parties support stable democracies

5. European unification – looking ahead

6. Liberal world order must be reformed

7. Our offers and projects on the topic

8. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


At a time when the realignment of global power relations is becoming increasingly obvious, Germany and Europe must adapt and expand their concepts, strategies and instruments.


We bring european and international issues to the general public

In the areas of foreign and European policy, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has set itself the objective of strengthening political and academic awareness of new foreign policy challenges, drawing up analysis and consulting services and contributing towards a new foreign policy culture in Germany. We do this with the help of our more than 100 country offices and our experts in Germany. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung uses its event series, its regularly published political reports and studies, podcasts, a stronger multi-media presence as well as the International Reports magazine to raise broad public awareness of European and international affairs. Which focal points and basic convictions guide us in this?


Security is becoming more multifaceted and increasingly complex

For us, the Transatlantic Partnership and the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy are the cornerstones of our security. We want to strengthen them through our work. We believe, on the one hand, that security entails the classic military capability of national and alliance defence. Yet we know that we have to think about the concept of security in a multi-faceted way, on the other. The fight against Islamist terrorism is therefore just as high on our agenda as the complex interactions between climate change and security, and global health policy and security.


Innovations determine competitiveness

First and foremost, we see new innovations as an opportunity, and have tasked our country offices with keeping a close eye on how other societies are using possibilities of digitalisation. This is how we bring best practice to Germany. We are convinced that only through innovation can Germany and Europe remain economically competitive and in the political race with authoritarian models of society, while at the same time redesigning their production in an environmentally sustainable manner. On the other hand, we are aware of the challenges of digitalisation and discuss possibilities to politically shape it in terms of protecting the private sphere and our liberal social order.


Functioning parties support stable democracies

Democracy cannot function without functioning political parties! This credo also guides our work abroad. We thus strengthen and connect our partner parties in the different regions around the world and especially their young professionals, both with regard to content and to modern and value-based political communication. At the same time, we know that representative democracy facilitated by parties can be usefully complemented by participatory elements. That is why we strengthen selected civil society actors – not least in countries where free party competition cannot take place. It is particularly interested in supporting those people and institutions that champion the peaceful transition to democracy.


European unification – looking ahead

We see ourselves as a European foundation. We would like to counter growing nationalist and populist tendencies in many European Union Member States. Therefore, our work in Europe fosters understanding between member states and looks to the future: What holds us together as Europeans and in what kind of Europe do we want to live together? How do we practice solidarity with our European neighbours without losing sight of the individual responsibility of each state?


Liberal world order must be reformed

Many crises in recent years not least the Corona pandemic, have illustrated how important functioning multilateral organisations are for a rules-based world order. We thus actively support the reform process of the United Nations, just like the World Trade Organisation and the World Health Organisation. For us, “multilateral world order” is always synonymous with liberal world order – both politically and economically. Today, this liberal word order is being challenged by authoritarian counter-models. That is why our work abroad is strengthening the ties with states, outside the North Atlantic region, which could be important allies in this conflict.

Our offers and projects on the topic

International offices and programmes

The commitment to democracy, rule of law, freedom and social market economy can only be sustainable if it is approached internationally.

Country Offices and Regional Programmes


With more than 110 offices in over 80 countries, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung pursues three main goals:

  • improving political framework conditions in the countries of operation and resolving problems in line with the foundation’s goals and values;
  • promoting the transfer of knowledge between Germany and the countries of operation;
  • creating public forums for the representation of German political and economic interests.


You can find an overview with all offices on our worldwide map

International Media Programme


A democracy only functions if freedom of the press and of expression are guaranteed. However, these basic conditions do not exist in many countries around the world. That is why our offices in Johannesburg, Singapore and Sofia support media in the respective region with accepting its political responsibility and with contributing towards the development of democracy and strengthening statutory framework conditions. This enables the emergence of an independent media landscape as well as establishing a basis for the free formation of opinions in politics and society.


Learn more about the Media Programme

International Rule of Law Programme


Since 1990, the foundation has complemented its international projects for democracy promotion and political dialogue with the transnational Global Rule of Law Programme. Locations of the five regional programmes are in Bogotá for Latin America, Singapore for Asia, Nairobi Dakar for Sub-Saharan Africa, Bucharest for South-East Europe and Beirut for the Middle East/North Africa. Global activities concerning the rule of law are coordinated from Berlin.


Learn more about the Rule of Law Programme

International Party and Political Dialogue

Democracy promotion is one of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s primary objectives abroad, too. For us, parties are integral actors of a functioning and vibrant democracy. That is why we promote and take care of exchange and cooperation. We support democratic parties and politically active persons that share our values. Through our work both on the ground and at regional and international level, we provide a platform for political dialogue with and between parties and their target groups. Learn more on the pages of our Regional Programmes.


Learn more about Party and Political Dialogue

International Energy Security and Climate Change Programmes


Since 2015, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has played a role in strengthening supra-regional dialogue on the topics of energy, climate and environmental policy. Our Regional Programmes are located in: Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and the Middle East and North Africa. Here special emphasis is placed on accompanying currents debates, developing solutions as well as promoting specific projects of sustainable action in politics, business and society. For, the curtailment of man-made global warming and associated shift away from fossil fuels envisaged by the Paris Climate Agreement, presents humanity with just as great a challenge as the consequences of climate change.


Learn more about the energy security and climate change programmes

Multilateral Dialogue / Multinational Development Dialogue


In New York, Geneva and Vienna - important main locations of the United Nations - our foundation offices deal with relevant and current discussions and debates conducted by the United Nations and its sub-organisations. At the Washington location, the office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung works, among other things, on the Bretton Woods Institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. In Brussels, the Foundation promotes dialogue with the Global South. The work of our offices is oriented towards our overarching priority themes: “Security needs freedom”; “Sustainability needs innovation” and “Democracy needs participation”.


Learn more about the Multilateral Dialogue / Multinational Development Dialogue

European Offices


The European Office Brussels has been supporting the European Union’s development since 1978. What is more, it supervises projects in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The goal is to positively influence the European integration process in the spirit of Konrad Adenauer, with EU policy being particularly important for us in this regard. The European Office sees itself as a forum for Christian Democratic interests. It primarily aims to heighten understanding of basic motives behind the unification process.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Multinational Development Policy Dialogue in Brussels shapes development policy dialogue with the European Union and NATO. In doing so, it contributes the experience and expertise of KAS’ global project work as well as the interests of German development policy to the consultation process of the European Union.


Learn more about the European Office Brussels

Learn more about Multinational Development Policy Dialogue


Selected event series

Strengthening the culture of debate and arousing interest in international political issues: that is the main focus of our regular event formats. This way, our foreign policy expertise reaches a broad public outside the political establishment in Berlin, and, in turn, obtains valuable insights.

F.A.Z.-KAS Debate on International Politics


The annual F.A.Z.-KAS Debate on International Politics intends to play a part in reinforcing the important discussion on foreign policy issues in Germany. This debate brings together two partners with extensive experience and knowledge in international affairs: The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung with its 111 offices abroad and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which for many years has been analysing international politics with its recognised foreign policy expertise.


Learn more about the F.A.Z.-KAS Debate

Adenauer Conference


What role does NATO play? What is the Corona pandemic affecting security policy? Where is Europe in the system competition? At the annual Symposium on Germany’s Role in International Security Policy, high-ranking politicians and experts discuss strategic issues for the future.


Learn more about the Adenauer Conference

Speech on Europe


The Speech on Europe is the annual statement by the highest representatives of Europe: The President of the Council of the European Union, the President of the European Parliament and the President of the European Commission takes it in turns to present their positions on the idea and state of Europe. The format is a cooperation of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa and the Stiftung Zukunft Berlin.


Learn more about the Speech on Europe

GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum


Since 2005, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation has been an important partner in the organisation of the annual GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum. The Forum is one of the most important strategic conferences in the field of security and international relations. The aim is to promote dialogue on current and future challenges in European and foreign policy.


Learn more about the GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum

Forte de Copacabana


Since 2003, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil, in cooperation with the foreign policy think tank Brazilian Centre for International Relations (CEBRI) and the Delegation of the European Union, has organised the annual International Security Conference “Forte de Copacabana”. The main objectives of the conference are to discuss and exchange current international security issues of common interest to partners on both sides of the Atlantic.


Learn more about Forte de Copacabana


Selected publication and website projects

We accompany current events analytically and use our expertise on the ground or take up interesting debates and look at them from different angles: The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung regularly produces exciting information pages, publications and website projects on various aspects of international issues, which we present to you below.

75 years of NATO


As an important pillar of European security, NATO has not lost its relevance in 75 years of its existence – quite the opposite. Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has shown just how important the transatlantic alliance is for Europe. On our project page for the Alliance's 75th birthday, we take you on a journey through NATO's history and highlight current developments, challenges, and opportunities. So, come and take a look and discover our wide range of publications and other formats to mark NATO's 75th anniversary!


Learn more about NATO's 75th anniversary

BRICS expansion


At its summit in August 2023, the BRICS alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa decided to expand by six countries from January 2024.

What does the inclusion of Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia mean for the alliance's cohesion, economic power and geopolitical significance? How is "BRICS+" viewed in the various regions? And above all: what conclusions should the EU and Germany draw from this?


Find out more about the BRICS expansion

Protests in Iran


Since mid-September 2022, thousands of people in Iran have been protesting daily against the regime of the Islamic Republic. They are demanding more rights and freedoms as well as an end to the 43-year rule of the theocratic regime under Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The wave of protests was triggered by the violent death of the Iranian Kurdish woman Jina Mahsa Amin, who was arrested by the notorious morality police in Tehran. The scale of the current protests is unprecedented, with people from all walks of life and age groups participating for the first time. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is monitoring the situation i Iran from the ZEntrale in Berlin and its foreign offices in the region.


Learn more about the protests in Iran

Digital Transformation in Asia-Pacific


The Asia-Pacific region is considered a pioneer in the digitalisation of the economy and society. In no other region of the world are digital processes so advanced and the use of digital products and everyday aids so widely established as in the countries of Southeast Asia and the Pacific. This includes future technologies and future trends such as artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, FinTech or e-health.

These developments are of particular interest to the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung with its offices abroad and regional programmes in the Asia-Pacific region. In order to create social and economic added value in the sense of the social market economy, we promote the exchange of knowledge between Germany, Europe and Asia together with regional actors from politics, business, society and science.


Learn more about the digital transformation in Asia-Pacific


Selected podcasts

Politics for on the Move: Accessible via any Smartphone, our podcasts provide exciting insights and background information on international topics. In discussions that are easy to understand by the general public, experts as well as KAS specialists explain foreign policy events and developments, international politics and place global debates in the forefront. Thanks to the audio format, conversation partners can be reached anywhere in the world.



Background information in which there is no space in the news or topics underexposed in the media – the “Spotlight” podcast gives them the attention they deserve: Hence, scarcely addressed ongoing crises are examined, geopolitical shifts are explained and connections are established.


Learn more about Auslandsinfo.Spotlight



How does the United Nations Human Rights Council work? What multilateral alliances are there in Latin America? And why is arms control important? From New York to Brussels, Geneva and Vienna to Singapore - in the MultiPod, once a month we talk about current international and multilateral issues. Besides experts from international organisations, our colleagues from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s worldwide network of country offices have their say. They classify processes in depth, explain connections and provide background information.


Learn more about MultiPod

Rule of Law Rules


What value is accorded to human rights in the digital age? We speak to international experts about data protection, legal tech and the use of artificial intelligence.


Learn more about the Rule of Law Rules


Anniversary: 60 years of international work

Our international engagement began in the 1960s in Latin America. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is now represented on all continents with over 100 offices in more than 80 countries. With its projects, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung campaigns worldwide for the rule of law, multilateralism, climate protection and social market economy.

On the Beginnings and Development of Work Abroad


The world has changed dramatically over the last 60 years. Yet the mission of realising a political, social and economic order based on human dignity in all parts of the world, has remained. Here you can read, see and hear all about the beginnings and development of our work abroad.


Learn more about the beginnings and developments of the work abroad

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Deputy Secretary General and Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3260 +49 30 26996-3567

Clauspeter Hill

Clauspeter Hill bild

Deputy Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3481 +49 30 26996-3552

Caroline Kanter

Portrait von Caroline Kanter

Deputy Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3527 +49 30 26996-3557

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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

Parlamentsgebäude Japans IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

Where does Japan stand at the end of the Kishida government?

A security and economic policy assessment after three years in office

Parlamentswahlen in Aserbaidschan 2024 IMAGO / Xinhua

Azerbaijan - Election without a choice

Aliyev has a new Azerbaijani parliament elected: The voter turnout of 37% speaks for itself

Parlamentswahlen in Jordanien, Wahlplakate am 26. August 2024 Imago / Xinhua

Daring More Democracy in Jordan

In the Shadow of the War in Gaza, the Hashemite Kingdom Elects a New Parliament

Golanhöhen 13.06.2024 Imago / Xinhua

Escalation in the Middle East intensifies

Is a regional war inevitable?

Die demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatin und Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

Democratic National Convention Seals Change of Candidates

New Start, New Momentum

Alter Mexikaner mit Mexiko Fahne auf der Straße IMAGO / NurPhoto

Mexico's democracy at a crossroads

Change of government with turbulences

27.8.2024 Raabe besuch Reis-ul-ulema

Antrittsbesuch beim geistlichen Oberhaupt der Islamischen Gemeinschaft

Die Bedeutung des interreligiösen Dialogs und des sozialen Zusammenhalts

Aserbaidschan Parlamentsgebäude adobe stock / Ramil

Parliamentary elections ahead of COP29

Despite many hurdles and a predictable outcome, independent candidates are challenging Aliyev's government.

Dschihadist Homepage Bayerischer Verfassungsschutz Verfassungsschutz Bayern

Islamistische Tendenzen in Deutschland und Bosnien und Herzegowina

Welche Auswirkungen hat der Gaza-Krieg?

Schaufelradbagger in einem Tagebau IMAGO / SNA

From Titanium to Taurus

Ukrainian resources and european supply chain resilience in times of war

Donor and Recipient countries and progress of appeals Humanitarian aid worldwide until mid-2024

Map of the Month 08/2024

Michael Brand MdB Fulda Homepage Michael Brand


Interview von Michael Brand MdB CDU für die Tageszeitung Oslobođenje vom 12.08.2024

Ratification of the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949

Map of the Month 08/2024

Solaranlagen auf einem Dach IMAGO / photothek

How much sun can be fed into the grid?

Challenges and opportunities of solar roof promotion in the context of Vietnam's energy transformation

Cyber-Actors: Iran Adobe Stock / Alexey Novikov

Cyber-Actors: Iran

How Attacks Strengthen the State

Justin Trudeau wartet vor einer Tür IMAGO / ZUMA Press

Slow, Agonizing - and Unstoppable: the End of the Trudeau Era is Approaching

The Prime Minister and his difficult farewell to power

Xi Jinping und Vladimir Putin am 03.07.2024 in Astana IMAGO / ITAR-TASS

Peking's Reach for the Sea of Japan

China's Geopolitics and Russia's Concessions

United Nations Special Event on SDG Acceleration during High-level Political Forum 15.07.2024 UN Photo/Loey Felipe

2024 High-Level Political Forum: The SDGs Caught in Geopolitical Tensions

Seeing the visible signs of fragmentation on common issues in the UN’s foremost platform for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Belarus Litauen Checkpoint an der Grenze IMAGO / SNA

New Iron Curtain rising on the EU border with Belarus

"New EU-sanctions package against Belarus might backfire"

Giorgia Meloni IMAGO / NurPhoto

Georgia Meloni caught in the middle

The positioning of the governing party ‘Fratelli d'Italia’ between the far-right and the bourgeois centre

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Events on the topic



Polen - Geschichte und Gegenwart

Studienfahrt nach Warschau, Krakau und Auschwitz




Frankreich und Deutschland in Europa

Frankreichseminar Straßburg




Einsatz an der NATO-Ostflanke

Erfahrung als Kommandeur im Rahmen der eFP in Litauen – im Gespräch mit Oberstleutnant Andreas Kirchner



fully booked

US-Präsidentschaftswahlen: Aufstieg von Kamala Harris oder Comeback von Donald Trump?

Neusser Kulturtreff unter der Schirmherrschaft von Hermann Gröhe MdB

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic


Welche Wege weisen in die Zukunft?

Die Ukraine, Russland und Perspektiven für eine neue Europäische Friedensordnung

Kiel Security Conference 2024 Header Jan Kulke/KAS

Kiel Security Conference 2024

“Critical Junctures – the Future of the North”

FRedwrik Schmit und Abt Dr. Nikodemus Schnabel OSB Thomas Ehlen

"Wir sollten auch für die beten, die uns hassen."

Christen im Heiligen Land / Eine Bilanz des Fuldaer Gesprächs 28. Mai 2024

Sendker Blomeier

Das Land der Gegensätze vor den großen Wahlen – wohin steuert Mexiko?

Eine Bilanz des 46. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live am 29. Mai 2024

XII. Adenauer Konferenz am 15. Mai 2024 KAS/Edgar Nemschok

„A turning point requires determination“

Report on the XII. Adenauer Conference on 15 May 2024

3. Jugendtag für Europa am 06. Mai 2024 in Düsseldorf

3. Jugendtag für Europa für Europa - Deine Stimme zählt!

Kooperationsveranstaltung mit EUROPE DIRECT Düsseldorf, der VHS Düsseldorf und dem MAXHAUS - Katholisches Stadthaus Düsseldorf

Ungarn VA Bild

Europa vor der Wahl – Ungarn vor der EU - Ratspräsidentschaft

Online Diskussionsreihe zur Europawahl 2024

Dr. Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan, Michael Gahler MdEP und Vanessa Vohs Thomas Ehlen /

Was wir in Europa schaffen können

Bedrohten Demokratien beistehen und unsere Freiheit verteidigen / Eine Bilanz des Frankfurter Gesprächs 11. April 2024

Sendker Naumann2

75 Jahre NATO: Zerreißprobe für das Atlantische Bündnis am Beginn einer neuen Weltordnung?

Eine Bilanz des 45. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft am 10. April 2024

bild italien online

Europa vor der Wahl - Italien verstehen

Online Diskussionsreihe zur Europawahl 2024


Was uns verbindet, was uns eint – Warum uns Europa wichtig ist

8 - sei-a-mensch-5459

Sei a Mensch!

Fotografien aus Israel nach dem 7. Oktober 2023

Titelbild (1)

Migration nach Europa. Herausforderungen und Chancen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Diskussionsveranstaltung im Hubschraubermuseum Bückeburg

Pöttering Titel

Europa heute mit Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering

EuropaTag für Studierende am 28.02.2024 in Aachen

EuropaTag für Studierende - Welches Europa wollen wir sein?

Kooperationsveranstaltung mit der Bischöflichen Akademie Aachen und der Europäischen Stiftung Aachener Dom

Serbien VA 1

Europa vor der Wahl – Serbien am Scheideweg

Online Diskussionsreihe zur Europawahl 2024

Twistringen Titel

Europa vor der Wahl - Twistringen

Natalija Bock und Irina Riabenka (von links; Foto: Thomas Ehlen) Thomas Ehlen / kas,de

Zwei Jahre (zehn Jahre?) nach dem Beginn von Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine

"Europa bedeutet, füreinander einzustehen“ / Eine Bilanz des Fuldaer Gesprächs 20. Februar 2024

Mujaheed Shaikh KAS / Jana Reimann-Grohs

Conference "Global Causes and Consequences of Medicine Shortages"

Event Report

100 Tage Angriff auf Israel

Eine Solidaritätsveranstaltung mit Israel


Media library

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

The US election and the future of the EU: MEP Daniel Caspary in conversation

Harris or Trump? The question of who will move into the White House is also driving European politics. We take a look at the US presidential election with MEP Caspary.

Erststimme #97: Klaus Bardenhagen


We talk to Klaus Bardenhagen, a German journalist who has lived in Taiwan for over 15 years, about the situation on this highly exciting island.

read now
KAS USA Dialog Program

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert: Hopes for NATO and parliamentarianism

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert's assessment of the Alliance's birthday and his impressions of the state of parliamentarianism in Europe and the USA.

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

Who defends Europe? Dr. Puglierin on European security policy and US priorities

Is the USA scaling back its commitment to Europe's security? In this episode, we talk to political scientist Dr. Puglierin about the US view of Europe.

KAS USA Online Event

Change and Challenges after the European Elections

A discussion about the results of the parliamentary elections in the EU and the implications for the U.S. and the transatlantic cooperation.

Erststimme #94: Jochen Richter

Wie weiter nach der Europawahl?

Wir sprechen mit Jochen Richter, einem Insider aus dem Brüsseler Politikbetrieb über die Perspektiven des Europaparlaments nach den Europawahlen 2024.

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

India as a superpower? Hindu nationalism and New Delhi's foreign policy ambitions

India is the most populous country in the world, and the Indian economy is the fifth largest in the world. In this episode, we take a closer look at India's foreign policy.

Konrad Adenauer Foundation Washington, D.C.

Hermann Gröhe: Innovations in global health

Hermann Gröhe, Deputy Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, attends a political dialogue program in Washington. The focus is on global health issues.

Radio Televizija Srbije (RTS1)
RTS1 "Dnevnik" 21.05.2024


Twenty Years of Big Enlargement of the EU - Link to Video/Article (Conference by Konrad Adenauer Foundation Belgrade)

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New episode of "Auslandsinfo. Spotlight"

In the shadow of violence: On the elections in Mexico

Elections are coming up in Mexico. However, the election campaign is accompanied by violence. We talk to Mexico expert Hans-Hartwig Blomeier about the background to the violence.

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